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*3 Day Later*

I throw my legs over the side of my bed and struggle to get to my feet, stumbling to the bathroom, I strip down and jump into the shower. I let the hot water run down my body, washing away all the pain that I feel. I run my hands over my waist and look at all I have done to my body. They made me do it, he made me do it, and by "he" I don't mean Niall. Jason.

He didn't tell me why he was leaving, he just said I have to go. I'm sorry" 8 years and I haven't talked or seen him.

I tear slips from my eye, I miss him so much, I just want to have him back in my life, and stay in it.

i back up into the shower wall until my back hits it, sliding down on my butt and bringing my knees up to my chest, crying.

i sit there crying, nothing can take this pain away.


"Tori, are you ok, you have been in there for just about an hour" called James.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine" I yell back.

I stand up and turn the water off, stepping out and putting a towel around me.

I unlock the door and step out, James is stand just outside the door with his hand on the door frame

I walk past him and over to my dresser pulling out some Gray sweat pants and a plan black V-neck. Grabbing a new bra and underwear then walking back into the bathroom.

Slipping into my sweats and watching them fall to the floor again, I pull them back up again, this time tying them up tight.

Pulling my top over my head and fixing it so it looked right. Looking at my body I thing, "what have I done" but I don't feel anything, what I have done was to not feel as much pain, to make me feel "normal" for once.

I throw my hair into a messy bun and unlocked the door walking out, Jason stood right where he was when I walked back into the washroom to change. He watched my ever move.

"What" I asked/yelled.

"Are you cutting" he asked.

I stayed silent.

He walked up to me and pulled up my top just enough to show my scars.

"Tori, I... Why"

"You don't get it James" I yell

"What don't I get Tori, what?" He yelled back.

"Try being in my shoes for once. I'm alone, I get bullied at school, I don't have my brother, and he left me 8 years ago. I don't have Niall" I whispered the last part.

He huffed.

"Have you been eating" he asked.

"No" I shook my head.

"Come here" he pulled me into a hug. I cried into his chest.

Jason was here for me this first time I started cutting and stopped eating.

I stopped cutting but eating, that... I eat very little.

"You need to stop doing this to yourself. You have people, you're not alone" he whispered into my neck.

I pulled out and thanked him.

"Want me to make you something to eat. Oh who the hell I'm I kidding, you're eating" he said making his way done and into the kitchen.

I really didn't want to eat, but I would do it for James.

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