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Niall's Pov:

Remind me to never piss you off!" I look over at Tori, who's just standing there like she didn't just kick my trainers ass. Like, where the hell did that come from? Tori laughs hugging my side. I look over to everyone, seeing that they still look as surprised as i do. Damn.

"Ten minute's!" I hear someone yell.

"Come Tori" I pull her along with me. We walk out of the room and into the boxing arena. The crowd full and cheering. I feel Tori pull away from me. I look over at her.

"Where you going?" I ask her.

"Bathroom" she lies. I push it aside, letting her, but pulling her back to give her a kiss. She laughs kissing me back.

"I'll see you after. Go beat some ass" I laugh, kissing her again. Letting her go i watch her walk over to the doors the lead to the front entrance. Pushing it aside i walk over to the ring. Today I'm fighting up against Brent Michel. He's the next level down from me, so it's shouldn't be that hard to take him down.


Tori's Pov:

Walking out into the boxing arena, the crowd is cheering, and yell out to Niall as we walk out. Out of the corner of my eye, I spy Brittney. I look over at her and see that's she's already look at me. I smirk at her. She's look at me as Niall as his arm around my waist. Well I guess she knows who my boyfriend is now. Brittney moves her head to the doors that lead to the front. I nod understanding what she's getting at. I pull away from Niall, only to be pulled back.

"Where you going?" He asked.

"Bathroom" I tell him. He nods, letting me go, but pulling me back for a kiss. I laugh kissing him back.

"I'll see you after. Go beat some ass" he laughs, kissing me again. He lets me go, and I walk away.

"What do you want?" I ask Brittney as the doors close behind me.

"So that's your so called 'boyfriend'?" she asks. I smirk nodding.

"Yup, that's him" she huffs. "What's wrong, the queen not getting her way" I tease her. Her hand fly's up to hit me in the face, but i catch it, bending it back.

"I wouldn't do that if i was you" I step closer to her. I whimpers out in pain as i push he arm back more.

"Let me go" she cry's. I let go of her arms. She brings her arm up, rubbing it. I laugh.

"I don't know why you even try" She looks up from her arm.

"What do you mean?" I laugh again.

"I use to just let you get away with it, but not anymore. Something, or weather, someone showed me that i have to stand up for yourself" I tell her. I take another step closer to her, so I'm right in her face.

"So cut the fucking bullshit, because I'm done with it" I step back, getting another look at her before walking away.

"Bitch" i hear her say under her breath. I turn back around, walking backwards.

"Hoe" I hold up both hands, flipping her off, before turning back around and pushing the door opening. I look around the stands, looking for everyone. I spot them and make my way over to them.

"Where were you?" Ask Lucy. I lean into her.

"Dealing With someone" i say looking back over to the door i came in trough. Brittney is just walking back in. I look back to Lucy and we both laugh.

"Man, your giving everyone a little bitching today" I laugh harder. The sound of the bell ringing make me turn to the ring. I watch as Niall and the man he's fight run for one another. Niall stick his arm out, hitting the man in the throat. The man falls to the ground. The man slowly gets up, making another run for Niall. I laugh when Niall knocks him to the ground with a hit in the stomach. They go on fighting; hitting, punching. before Niall grabs a hold of the mans head. The man has his hands on Niall's shoulders, as he try's to beak away from him. Next thing I see is Niall's knee flying up and knocking the man right in the noes.

"Hey! that's my move" i yell out to him. As the man falls down the floor, the ref calls it to the end. I jump up running down to meet Niall. Niall jumps down just in time to catch me in his arms.

"You won!" I scream, wrapping my legs around his waist. He laughs spinning me around. I lean in, joining our lips together in a victory kiss.

"I love you" I whisper into the kiss.

"I love you" He kisses me again.


"You stole my move" I tease Niall. Were all walking back to that room we were in before the fight.

"I know" he smiles up at me. I'm currently on his back, getting a piggy-back.

"Dick" i slap his shoulder.

"I have one"

"That you wont be using" i fire back at him. He hums.

"I think that's what you said the last night you called me a dick. Man did that backfire" I gasp, my hand fly over his mouth. I hear chuckling behind me, Louis.

"Louis, I wouldn't be laugh, because I know where your dicks been" Laughter fills the halls. I look back at Louis and Scarlett. Her checks a red and so are Louis'.

"Well I think we're going to go home now. See you guys later" Said Louis, pulling Scar with him.

"Yup" I call to them. "And use protection" I add. I watch Scarlett's check heat up again.

"Have fun" I sing as Niall walks into the room.

"How did you know they had sex?" Niall asked when i jumped down off his back. I laugh.

"That's for me to know and for me to only know" he laughs, walking over to get a water.

"Pass me one, please" I thank him when I catch the water bottle.

"I'm going to take a shower, I'll be back in ten" I nod walking over to the couch. As I sit down, the door to the room opens. In walks... Simon.

"Hello Simon" I greet him. Harry and Lucy giggle. "how's your noes?" I ask him.

"Broken" he answers me.

"Well i hope your learned something" He nodded. "So what brings you back here? Come for a re-match" I go to stand up but he stops me.

"No!" he shakes his head. I laugh sitting back down.

"I came to offer to be your trainer. I think you have skills and I would love to work with you" I shake my head at him.

"No thanks, thanks through" He nods. "I only said that i wanted to so i could... well do that" He nods again, walking away.

"I still cant believe you did that" I look over to Harry. I shrug.

"He had it coming" We laugh.

"Well I think it's about time that we head home" Harry looks at Lucy. She leaning on him like she's about to fall asleep.

"Yeah, LuLu looks sleepy" Lucy smiles at me. We say our goodbyes and they leave. Moments later, Niall walks out.

"Harry and Lucy just left" I tell him getting up and walking over to him. He smiles pulling me into a kiss. I break the kiss when my phone rings. Niall groans, I laugh giving him a little kiss then picking up my phone and answering it.


"Hello, is this Tori Andrews?" They man on the line asks.

"Yes, this is she"

"Hi, this is Glen Peters. I'm calling on the behalf of the court orders you placed"...


Two updates one day :)

There's a jump next chapter... *Smirks*



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