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AnaMay's Pov:

Waking up I push the blankets off my body getting up and stumbling to the bathroom. Other than running into the table I make it to the bathroom. After I'm finished I wash my hands and step out. Walking back over to the bed getting back in wrapping the warm blankets around my body again. The arm of my lover wraps around my waist pulling me closer to them. I giggle as he places a handful of kisses on the back of my neck. I turn around so I'm facing him and place a kiss on his lips.

"Good morning, baby" I say to him as we break the kiss.

"Morning, love" he smiles as he starches. I take that as my time to rest my head on his chest. He laughs as I cuddle up to him and he wraps an arm around me. Last night after Jason said he was sorry and we told each other that we love on another, I asked if he could stay in the same room as me. Of course they really didn't want to have it, but they did let him because he is the father of the baby. Also I was told that their having a doctor come here to have a look at everything. I'm hoping we can find out what the sex is so Jason and I can name it. There's a knock at the door that makes me jump before getting up. The door opened and in walks Officer Adam.

"Ms. Green" he nods to me. I nod back. I hear the bed move before Jason arm wrapped around me and his head rested on the top of my head. I smile looking up at him before Officer Adam's voice made me look over to him.

"As you may know already, we are having a doctor come here to have a look on your heath and the baby" I nod.

"Also, I was wondering if I could find out what sex it is." I ask. He smiled.

"Yes" he nod. "I'll go see when the doctor is going to be here and get back to you" I nod and the Officer leaves. Jason and I just stand there for a moment before he starts kissing my neck swinging us back from side to side. I giggle. He spins me around so I'm facing him and chases our lips together. I giggle when he lifts me up, me wrapping my legs around his waist pushing me up against the wall kissing down my neck.


"Hello Ms. Green, I'm Doctor Wiggle's" I bite the inside of my cheek trying to hold back my laughter. Doctor Wiggle's... Oh God... after I'm down having a laughing fit in my head I shake the guys hand nodding.

"So, if I could just get you to lie down" I move to lie down on the bed. "Ok, I'm just going put this gel on your stomach" he showed me the gel. I nod for the thread time sense he got here. He puts the gel on, I jump because it's so cold. He mumbles a simple 'Sorry' before moving on. I look over to Jason who is still in the chair two feet away from me. I smile up at him, he smiles back getting down to my level grabbing my hand. I'm still look up at hi when I feel something being placed on my stomach. Looking down I smile seeing that's it' just the wound that the use to look at the baby. Moments later I hear the sound of a heart beat beating. My smile grew big when I looked over at the little screen that stood to the side of me beside Doctor Wiggle's. I look back over at Jason and see a tear falling from his eye. I reach over whipping the tear away. As I whip it he looks down at me.

"That's our baby's heart beat?" he asked. I laugh nodding. His smile grew as he leaned down giving me a kiss on the lips.

"Would you like to know the gender?" asked the doctor. I nod. Jason grabs my hand tighter as we wait for the doctor to give us the answer.


"What do you think we should call Him?" I ask walking out of the little bathroom and over to Jason taking a seat on his lap wrapping my arms around his neck looking up at him.

"Um..." he thinks about it. I rest my head on his shoulder looking up at the ceiling. The doctor left about five minutes ago and I just finished cleaning up my stomach from the blue gel stuff. The doctor told us we were having a boy and the he was heath as could be. Now all we need is to come up with a name for our little Andrews junior.

"What about Jay?" he questioned. I look up at him shaking my head.

"I don't like that name" I tell him. "What about Hunter?" this time her looked at me shaking his head.

"Oh come on. Hunters I cute name for a boy" he shook his head again. God! Ok, so he likes the name Jay and I like the name Hunter. Um...

"What about we name him Hunter Jay Andrews?" I ask him. "That way we both have the names we like" he thought about it for a moment.

"What about Jay Hunter Andrews?" he asked, I laugh.

"Really? Jay Hunter Andrews. Please just say that out loud and tell me what you think" he looked me like I was crazy before trying it.

"Jay Hunter Andrews..." I laugh.

"No say Hunter Jay Andrews"

"Hunter Jay Andrews..." I smile. Hunter Jay Andrews... I really like that name.

"Hunter Jay Andrews..." Jason says it again. "Ok, I'll say that I like the sound of that" I smile again.

"Really?" he nods.

"So we can name him that?" he nods again. I squeal out with joy, turning to straddle his lap kissing him full on.

"I Love you" I say breaking the kiss. He smiles bringing me back into another kiss.

"I Love you


We didn't do much for the rest of that day. We stayed in the room, really where could we go when we had to? We talked about what his sister said. He said that we had nothing to worry about and that it was going to be fine. I really don't know where he's seeing that it's all going to be fine. Because it's not. His sister will get Hunter and, Jason and I will never be able to see him. I for one want to see my son. Within the day we were also told that we could be taking to get cleaned up. I showered and was giving scrubs to wear alone with Jason. Other than that we were in the room, I sleep most of it away but we did nothing.

Tuesday; was the same, getting up, Officer Adam came a checked up on me, see if I needed anything. We were giving food and drinks throughout the day as well. Jason was pulled into questioning, again. Because from what I was told is that he wasn't 'agreeing' with them the first time. After he was put back into the room I asked Jason what they meant that, and he told me the story, well from what he could remember. They drugged him to calm him down, and my action's caused that to happen. But some part of me found it funny and the other half of me found it sad. If only I could take it back. Nothing else happened for the rest of that day, just sitting in the room. We didn't do much talking like we did the night before. Witch made me feel like I did something to cause it. I at least don't think I did anything.

For the rest of the week was boring, the same thing went on and on. Wake up, Officer Adam would check up on me, we were feed and if things were needed to be questioned then they were. Jason didn't have to be drug again, so that's plus, but other than that it was boring.


I'm really so its a short chapter. i did say that i wasn't going to update for awhile.... ok i really cant say that because i have been updating Hold Me Tight all the week. But I'm sorry i made you wait for this chapter. i know its crap but everything that happens in each chapter happen for a reason soo.... yeah. hoped you enjoyed and ill try and have a longer update next next time.

P.s: can people please start commenting. I'm not getting any comments anymore....

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