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Jason's Pov:

I'm pushed into a cold ass seller as the cop slammed the door closed behind me. I mumble a few not so great of words under my breath as I look around the little room I'm in. it's a small room with four walls, a boxed shaped room. The walls are white and the floor is gray. There's a small one person bed and a table and one chair. I turn around to face the wall with the door. Oh and there's a small bared window. I turn back and walk over to the bed taking a seat. I run my hands over my face and hair.

"Fuck!" I stand to me feet again, pacing around. Why? Why, didn't she tell me? Is the baby not mine or something? I know she said it was to keep me safe, but I can keep myself safe. Fuck, and now there's no more 'Her and I'

"Fuck!" I kick the wall. Forget about why she didn't tell me. Why me? Why did I let her walk away from me like that? Why did I let her walk away from us?

"Hello..." my head shot in the direction of the bared window. Ana? I get up walking over to the window grabbing a hold of them looking out at the outside of my seller. There she is, standing with her hands wrapped around the seller bars looking out, waiting for someone to answer her call. I hear the sound of heavy feet moving the direction of the seller. Up walks a male cop with a balled head. He gives me a look before turning to AnaMay.

"What!" he snaps at her. I grail at the cop. How dare he yell at her like that!

"I really don't think I should be held in one of these" she tells him.

"And why is that?" he questioned Ana. "Are you going to say your innocent?"

She shakes her head at him.

"Because I'm pregnant" the cop stands there looking at her before walking away and coming back moments later.

"You are being moved to a room that is more suitable for your state" Ana nods and walks over to the seller door, waiting for the male cop to open the door. Gently, he grabs her arms pulling her along. Walking passed me I give Ana a look of plead. She looks to me and shakes her head moving along with the cop. Why didn't she tell him to let me out? I'm the father of that baby. I clinch my grip on the bars shaking them. I storm over to the little bed picking it up and flinging it across the room, along with the small table. I scream out in pain, punching the walls, banging on the door. Why didn't she help me? Why? Does she really not care about me anymore?

"Fuck!" I scream out kicking the gray mettle door make a dent. I've lost the one most important thing to me. Over the most stupid things. I should have been smiling, telling her that I'm happy we're having a baby. Not screaming in her face, telling her that I could take care of myself when I really can't. She's right, I'm wrong. I kick the wall again. The door to the seller slammed out and in walked two cops and someone with a needle in there hand. What the hell! I stumble back trying to get away from them. They only come closer picking me up and taking me out of the room.

"Let me go!" I yell trying to get out of the two cops grasp. They only held me tighter. Moments later I'm thrown in this room with a chair placed in the middle of it. What the fuck! I try punching one of the cops to get them to let me go but only ending up punching him in the shoulder. I'm thrown down onto the chair and buckled down onto it. I scream out for Ana. Wishing she was here to comfort me. A tears slips my eye as my left arms is grabbed and the needle is pushed into it, injecting me with the antidote. I'm still trying to fight my way out so I can go find Ana, and tell her how sorry I am. That I'm happy we are having a baby together. Moments later my eyes start to feel heavy. Slowly closing I try and fight it. Trying to stay awake. But it over powers me and I close my eyes to a black world of darkness.

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