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Tori's POV:

I have been sitting here for like an hour an a half, and its crazy! No one has talked, we have just been sitting here. And Liam just got back from who knows where, but his noes as like tape on it or something.

I feel like I should Apologize, but on the other hand, I think I shouldn't.

"This is some kidnapping, that you have done" I speak up.

I didn't want to be the first one to, but I had to.

No one Spock, so I got up and walked over to the kitchen.

"What are you doing" asked my brother, who was just steps behind me.

"Kitchen" I said.

"Hey, Tori" I think that was Zayn that called, before I could step foot in the kitchen.

"Yeah" I turned around, but I ended up getting knocked to the floor.

"What the fuck" I yell, trying to get up, but I just got pushed down again, by Jason putting his foot on my back.

"It's time for Zayn here" he looked over and Zayn. " to get what he's been waiting for"

"What!" I yell.

Get what he's been waiting for? What the hell could he want... Oh.

"Never in a million years" I grab Jason's foot and twist it, knocking him to the ground. I jump up from off the ground and make a run for it.

But I didn't get to far, before Jason, Grabbed my foot, making me tumble to the floor... Again.

"Fuck" I mumble to myself.

Before I can do anymore, I'm picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder.

"Put me down" I yell, trying to kick them in the balls.

"Don't worry, princess, you'll be find" what did he just call me.

No one, and I mean no one, calls me that, other then Niall. Niall, oh god, he's going to flip when he finds out they have me.

He opens this door, and flicks on a light, the room looks like it's made out of Wood, there's no windows and one bed that looks like one you would use in the Amy or something.

He throws me up against the wall, and chains both my hands and my feet to the wall.

"You fucking prick!" I yell at him.

He laughs at me.

"Don't you fucking laugh" I bark at him.

He pulls something out from his pocket and walks closer to me.

"Lets play a little game" he whispered in my ear.

He tugged at the bottom of my top and then, I heard the sound of something getting cut.

He pulled out, just enough that he could see what he was doing. I look down and see that he's cutting my top.

He cut it all the way to my neck, the closer and closer he got to my neck then more I worried. I had my head back to the wall, and I was biting my lip.

"Please stop" I cry out.

He finally got to the top of my top, he run his hand up from my belly to my chest.

"I'm going to make you scream my name" he said as he kissed my neck.

"Please" I plead.

I didn't want it to happen this way, I wanted it to be with someone I love! But it's not going to happen that way, instead I have to lost it to this fucking asshole.

He kissed from my cheek to my jaw line, neck, and finally, my caller bone. He moved my head to the side, so he was able to fully get to my neck.

I whimpered, as he started biting down on my skin on my neck, forming a so called "love bite" .

The door to the room, open just a little, and went on noticed by Zayn here.

When u saw who was at the door,Niall.

I wanted to call out to him, yell at him to help me, but knew that if I did, Zayn would turn around.

Niall put his finger up to his mouth, tell me to not make a sound.

I gave him pleading eyes as a tear exited my eye. I want to be in his arms, and out of here.

Still Zayn did not sense Niall presents, so he kept doing what he was doing.

Zayn pulled out and run a hand down my body, from my chest down to my 'area'.

I groaned, at his touch. It was... How do I put it into words?... Unlikable.

I didn't like it one bit.

"That groan will turn to a moan soon princess"

At the word 'princess' I looked over at Niall, and saw that his face for filled with anger and I could tell that he was about to jump on Zayn- for calling my 'princess'

I plead to myself that Niall wouldn't speck up, but of course, he just had to do it.

"She isn't your fucking PRINCESS" Niall snap.

Zayn's head snap in the direction of Niall. He smirked at him, then got up.

Zayn walked a little ways from me and closer to Niall.

"Please don't hurt h-" I started.

"Tori, don't" snapped Niall, cutting me off.

"Nice to see you again" said Zayn.

"Don't play all mister nice guy on me you prick, now hand me tori, or will I have to do it the hard way" Niall threat.

"And what's the hard way" asked Zayn.

Niall pull something out from his back pocket, in what's it looks like... A gun.

Where the hell did he get a gun!

"Now either you hand Her to me, or I'll shot" said Niall point the gun at Zayn.

Zayn puts his hands up.

"Ok now, no need to bring guns into this" Zayn smirks.

Sick fucker.

Niall moved the gun to where it was pointing to Zayn's foot, and fired at his foot.

The loudness from the gun shot, was loud enough to make me jump.

My whole body is shaking and I feel like my legs are about to give out on me.

Zayn groaned out in pain from the in his foot.

"Hand Tori over, or this goes right to the head" said Niall.

"Your not good for her" Zayn whispered.

And that was enough to make Niall pull the trigger again.

He shot at Zayn, and I watched as Zayn feel to the floor, it was as if everything went in slow mode.

When Zayn hit the floor, I screamed out in horror, not because I didn't want it to happen, but because it happen right in front of my two eyes.

Niall looked at me, and a smile broke out on his face.

I couldn't help but smile back, as he walks over to Zayn's body and digs in his pocket, for what I believe is the key to the chains.

And sure enough Niall pulls out a key and walks over to me.

He unlocks me feet first then my hands. When I'm not locked up by the chains anymore, I wrap my arms around Nialls neck, trying to get as close to him as I can.

"Thankyou" I whisper.

"No one hurts my princess" he kisses my shoulder.

"I love you" I hug him tighter.

"I love you"


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