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Toris Pov:

As Niall sat in the kitchen with John i looked around again. i couldn't get over how beautiful this house was, from corner to corner this house was beautiful. i walk out to the backyard, even back here i was in awe. the place is really perfect for Niall, the Baby, and i. and with that spair bedroom, maybe another little one. but not now maybe in a couple years time.

"Nice isnt it" Nialls voice spook from behind me. i turn to look at him and smile.

"Nice is a understatement" he walks over to me and wraps his arms around me from behind.

"we are free to move in when ever" he kisses the top of my head. i nod breathing in the air thats mixed with Niall's sent. that is one of the things the i love about Niall- his sent. everyone has they own sent and i just so happen to be in-Love with his.

"can we start packing?" i ask. he chuckled nodded.

"we can pack whenever Princess" i smile.

"i love when you call me that" i say before i can even think about whats coming out of my mouth.

He laughs.

"well i love calling you it" he kisses my neck. "come on" he grabbed my hand pulling me inside our House. i love that sound of that.

"our House" i whisper looking around again.

"Our House" Niall whispered after me.


we pull up to my 'old' house and i sigh. im really going to miss living here. Me and Niall climb out of the car walking up to my 'old' front door, opening the door and stepping in.

"mother" i call out to her.Annabelle comes running up to me and Niall.

"Tor, your leaving me" she frowns. i bend down to her level and slowly nod.

"but you can still come and stay with me. just not a on school night, and as long as its ok with mother" she smiles.and as if on cue, mother walks in from the backyard and over to us.

"hello sweetie" he smiles. "Niall" he nodded to her.

"so What brings you too here" my mothers asked.

"well, two things" Niall says.

"one; my stuff" i tell her.

"and, two; to tell you that we found a house" my mother gasped.

"a house, so soon" she questioned. i nod and so does Niall.

"I have had my eye on the place for awhile now, and now just seem like the time to jump on it" Niall tells my mother. she nods.

"well, ill have to come over and have a look" she smiles.

"yeah" I nod.

"Niall" Niall looks down at Annabelle. "Do you love Tori?"

Niall smiles down at her while getting down to her level.

"yes. i love her more then anything" he looks up at me and smiles. i smile down at him.

"and" he looks back at my sister and whispers something into her ear that's to low that im unable to hear it. he pulls out as Annabelle eyes go wide.

"really" Niall nods.

"but don't say anything" she nods then runs off. i laugh.

"well mother, me and Niall are going to get my stuff then we're going to be heading back to his house. she nodded walking away. me and Niall make our way up to my 'old' bedroom. opening the door i push it open. i sigh walking in and looking around. this is where I grew up.

"where's the suitcases?" ask Niall. i look to him.

"Closet in the hall"


Niall throws the last suitcase into the back of his car then closes it. He turns to me and smiles. I smile back, and he pulls me into hug.

"I love you" I whisper into his neck.

"I love you" he whispers hugging me tighter. I pull out of the hug and turn to the house that I called home for most if my life. My mother walked out and walks over to me and Niall. She looks to me then over at Niall.

"Please do take care of her" my mother Spock to him. He nodded.

"Trust me, I plan on taking good care of her" he looked to me and winked. My mother laugh a little and turned back to me pulling aside.

"I don't even want to know what he meant by that, but please be safe" I laugh.

"Don't worry mother. He's not get anything" she smiles and nods.

"I know, but when that time comes please do"

"Mother!" I laugh. I look back over to Niall. He's leaning on the side of the car with his arms wrapped around his chest. Looking at me right now and just looking as he looks back you. You would no that he's in-love. Only if you knew him, like really knew him.

Looking back to my mother I see her smiling at me and at Niall.

"What does he mean to you?" She asked out of no way. I think about it for a moment. Looking back at him. Is speck still look at him.

"The world. He's my everything. To tell you the truth. I never want to be with him. Sure I watched him fight an things like that. But I never saw him the way I see him now to the way I saw him then. Every sense that night a the fight everything as changed. I cried, I fought. But I made it through. I fought for him" I look back to my mother.

"And he fought for me. We fought for one another and that alone means everything to me. Love is a challenge and it's always hard. But if you really love someone, you will take the challenges and show them that nothing can get in the way" a tears slips my eye as my mother looks at me with a wide smile on her face. She pulls me into a hug, hugging me tight. But I hug her tighter.


IM SOOOO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LONG! And I know I know. This chapter is short. But I promise that the next chapter will be longer.

So are you guys like the Tori and Niall moving In together?

Ok so I have started writing so images. But I haven't put them on wattpad. Their on Movellas but I wanted to know you go guys wanted them. I'm not making people images. I'm just writing them but the girl as no name. It will either be a Y/N or I just won't say a name. Anyway if you want them comment telling me you want them. Sense I'm not make them for people you can give me ideas and I'll write them and dedicate the chapter to you. No your name will not be put in that one you will just get a dedication.

Ok that's all :) thanks for reading.

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