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Tori's Pov:

Pulling up to our new house i jump out Niall following after me. i walk around to the back of the car opening the trunk. We bring everything into the house and into the living.

"we'll just put everything in here, then when were done bringing everything in we can start unpacking" i nod. we make trips back and froth from the car and back into the house. bringing in everything that was able to fit inside Niall's car. that reminds me, i need to get myself a car. maybe ill get that money from mother. ill call and ask later. after bringing everything in me and Niall start unpacking the little things. we were only able to bring all the food, clothes, bathroom things, like the toothbrushes, brushes, shampoo. things like that. me and Niall put everything that was needed to go in the kitchen in the kitchen. and everything for the bathroom in the bathroom and then the odd little things in places we could find for them. i pick up a box that was filled with both mine and Niall's clothes to bring it up in our bedroom when Niall's phone rang. he put down the box he had in his hands and picked up if phone walking outside into the backyard.

i bring the box up into our bedroom. placing the box down on the floor by the wall i look around the room. this is our room. mine and Niall's room. this is our house. mine and Niall's house. we live together. This is where me and him are going to make memories. but one memory that I'm going to remember forever is the one that happened last night in Niall's old house.


we pull up to Niall's house, well old house now, but his for one more night. he turns the car off and we step out walking up to the door. he unlocked the door pushing it open for me to walk in. i thank him walking in and kicking off my shoes and throwing my jacket on the hock. i walk into the place a little more and get a good look around.

The back door. the door he dragged me in from the night he 'kidnapped' me.

The Stairs. the stairs that i fell down when i was trying to get away from him.

The kitchen. where i first met one of my now really close friends, Louis. and all the talks me and Louis had, him saying that Niall was only doing what he was doing because he cared. where i laughed at him for saying them things and telling him that it wasn't true.

The living room. the room where i first met Harry, Lucy, and Scarlett. another one of my best friends and my 'sisters'.

all the memories are here, well some, but most are here. its sad that I'm... i mean we. are going to have to say goodbye to it. two strong arms wrap around my waist as the person rested their chin on my shoulder. i giggle when they start swinging us from side to side.

"what you thinking about princess?" Niall asked kissing me on the neck. i tilt my head to the side letting him continue.

"about this house" i sigh. he chuckles.

"why you thinking about this house?" he questioned.

"I don't know... really I'm just thinking about everything that has happen in the little time i have been here" i admit.

"is that good or bad?" i laugh.

"good" i spin around wrapping my arms around his neck. he wraps his around my waist bring me closer to his body. he connects our lips in a slowly passionate kiss. he slides his tongue across my bottom lips asking for entrance. i open my mouth letting him rome my mouth with his tongue. my hands make their way up to his geld blonde hair pulling at it. a moan leaves his mouth. i break the kiss breathing heavily.

"Niall, I'm ready" i breathe. he smiles lifting my up. i wrap my legs around his waist and he connects our lips again. walking us up the stairs and to his bedroom, i take control. kissing his jaw down his neck, chest, and over again leaving my make on his neck. walking into the bedroom he kicks the bedroom door closed...

-End Of Flashback-

I let Niall take me last night. i loved it, the way his touched, and kissed me. the way he moved like i would break with the wrong move. he was gentle and rough. he made me feel something i have never felt before. well he made me fill it before last night. he made me feel loved, like there was a reason i was here. like i needed to be here and not somewhere else. and by somewhere else i mean dead. he made me feel like living, like i am Alive. He makes me Happy. sighing i walk back down the stairs and into the kitchen where i see Niall sitting down with a glass of water. i walk over and grab a cup and fill it up before taking a seat next to him. i lean my head on his shoulder and he wraps an arm around me. i smile up at him and he gives me a little kiss on the lips.

"who was on the phone?" i ask after awhile.

"Harry. he said that him Louis, and the girls are on their way with everything in the truck" i nod taking a drink of my water. we called everyone last night telling them the big news. everyone was so happy for us. i myself am Happy.


"So...." asked Scar, Lucy after dragging my from everyone out to the backyard.

"so... what?" i ask. they both laugh.

"what's happening? are you and Niall li-" i cut them off.

"No, no. Were just taking a step and its better for the baby" i tell them, the nod.

"you know what i find funny?" asked Lucy. me and Scarlett look to her.

"Niall done this before a-" Scar cut her off.

"you don't think he-" Lucy cut he off this time.

"oh god, maybe he is!" they talk to one another like I'm not here with them.

"oh god th-" i cut Scar off.

"Guys, guys, I'm still here with you" I laugh. We keep talking and having a laugh. After about an hour we walk back into the house. the guys are still bringing in the stuff off the truck. Niall and Harry are bringing in the couches and Louis and Chad are bringing in the bed. Chad? when did he get here. The girls told me that they were going to have a look around. i gave them a simple nod and they made on they way. i walked over to Chad following him out and over to the truck.

"can i help with anything?" i ask Chad.

"um..." he looks around the trunk. walking over to the stake of boxes he grabs two handing them to me.

"thanks" i thank him walking back to the house. i walk inside the door and into the living room. walking in i see Niall, Lucy, and, Scarlett. they stop talking as soon as i walk into the room. i look at them questionably but push it aside. putting the boxes down on the fall both Scar, and Lucy walk out of the room with smirks on their faces. standing up i look to Niall.

"what were you three talking about?" i ask him. he just shakes his head walking over to me pulling me into a kiss. i kiss back.

"I love you" he whispered breaking the kiss.

"I love you" i kiss his nose.


"bye. hey call me tomorrow" i wave to Scar, and Louis. everyone left by now so its just me, and Niall. After were all done bringing in everything and unpacking we ordered pizza. Chad's treat. its now 10:34pm. i let out a yawn as i walk back into the living room. Niall sat on the couch with the TV on. walking over to him i go to sit down beside him but end up getting pulled onto Niall so I'm straddling his lap. i laugh leaning down to kiss him. the kiss get a little heated so i break the kiss standing up pulling Niall with me then connecting our lips again. Niall walk us backwards to the stairs before lifting me up. i wrap my arms around his waist still kissing him. he brings us into our newly put together room and throws my down on the bed. i giggle as he climbs up on top of my kiss my neck. his hand slip under my top feeling his way up before pulling it off. i pull his off disconnecting him from my for a brief second. his comes back down kissing his way up my body to my lips. kissing my lips he moans.

"I love you so fucking much"...

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