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Zayn's POV:

"Sir she's not at any of their houses" said my Gang mate, Liam.

"Where the hell are they" I said to myself.

"I don't know sir"

"I didn't ask you" I yell at Liam.

"Sorry sir" he said walking away.

Where the hell are they, they couldn't have gotten far, maybe 3 hours out but not any Farther.

"JASON" I yelled.

"Yes Sir" Jason said walking into the room.

"By chance have you gone to I don't know, TALK TO YOUR SISTER" I said through my teeth.

He looked down to the floor. That there answered my question.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TOO" I scream.

"I'm sorry, I haven't seen her in years and I missed her" he yelled back.

"I told you, you would get to see her, when we got her" I said.

"Yeah whatever, you would be too busy fucking her out of her life, for me to even get a Glimpse of her" he yelled.

"Don't talk to me that way. I can kill you in a matter of one fucking phone call"

I have him on this deal, and he broke the number one rule. I told him not to see family and what does her do, sees family! I could kill and he doesn't even care.

He did answer. I smirk.

"LIAM" I yelled.

Liam walked into the room and stood beside Jason.

"I want you two to find them and tell me when you do. I'll get the gir-" I stop myself "I'll get Tori myself" I finished.

They both nodded and head off.

I sit back in my chair and laugh.

Niall you will pay for what you did!

Jason's POV:

"LIAM" he yelled for Liam. Liam walked in and stood next to me. I Hate Zayn for what he's doing, but to tell you the truth, I'm only play Zayn on my caring about Tori. I really don't care if she's dead or not, I hate her to tell you that, I was only nice to her to make her think I cared, but I really don't, just like our father, I don't care.

I want you two to find then and tell me when you do. I'll get the gir-" he stopped himself "I'll get Tori myself" he finished. I smirked, but not enough for him to see it. There's a lot that Zayn doesn't know about me or what I know! Like i know where Tori is!

Me and Liam both nodded and head off to find them, well for Liam to find them at least.

I chuckled to myself.

"Hey Liam, I'm just going to make a phone call" I said to Liam making my way to the back door.

"Sure man, I'll get working on finding them" I nod.

I walk out and slam the door beside me, pulling out my phone a phoning Ana...

The phone rang 3 times before she picked it up.

"Hello" she said

"Hey Baby, how's it going" I said into the phone.

"Hey. Good, I'm look at Tori now, she's in the living room, it looks like she just woke up too, but she's dressed" she answered.

Why the hell would she just be getting up now its 3pm for crying out loud?

"Ok, I'll be over a little later on today. Oh and baba, make friends with her, get her to trust you" I said before ending the call.

Slipping my phone back into my pocket and walking back in the house. I can't let Tori see me while I'm there, but maybe I can make her think she's seeing me.

I laugh to myself walking into the room Liam was in, he's on the phone with someone. I take a seat on a chair and wait for Liam to finish.







Liam hung the phone up and turned to face me.

"Who was that" I ask.

"Josh. he said that him and his buddy saw Louis and some guys walk into a little shop just off of the Killer islands (that's not a real place, well if don't think it is at least)

Funny that's near where they are!

"Great ill drive out there now, and get a look around, you stay here and get more on them" I get up "oh and call if you get anything more" I call from over my shoulder.

"Will do mate" he called after me.

I jump into my car, start it up and taking off at full speed, from where I am now, I'll have about two hour drive there and the same on the way back. I'll just stay the night at Ana's.

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