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Tori's pov:

I open my eyes but close them again because of the bright light coming through the window. I groan sitting up fining myself alone in the bed. Where did Niall go? I throw my legs over the bed getting up and stumbling over to the bathroom door. I walk over to the bathroom mirror getting a look of myself. My ponytail I had in last night is half way out and I'm missing the black headband that I had also. Fixing myself up and brushing my teeth I leave the bathroom and make my way down the hall and down into the kitchen.

"Niall" I call out for him. No answer. I look over in the living room, no Niall. I look out the back door and see him sitting outside with Chad. I walk over to the door grabbing Nialls sweater pulling it over my head and opening the door and walking out.

"Morning Princess" says Niall as I take a seat on his lap him wrapping an arms round me.

"Morning. Morning Chad" I smile.

"Tori" he nods to me.

"So what were you two talking about?" I ask them both.

"Oh Nothing. How you feeling?" Chad asked. I haven't seen him sense the day they saved me.

"Good. Just working on getting this Baby" I tell him.

I breath out, I can see my breath. How is Niall sitting out her with no shirt?

"Can we go inside I'm cold" I wine.

Hey both laugh at me. Niall stands me still in his arms as he brings me inside.

"I can walk, you know that right" I tell him.

"I know" I laugh.

He get inside and Niall still doesn't put me down.

"Niall! Put me down" I wiggle around in his arms.

"No" he laughs sitting down on the Couch.

I huff giving up and sink into Nialls lap.

"You guys, I really don't know what to say" laughs Chad.

I laugh with him.

"Trust me, half the time I don't know what to say" I look back at Niall. "Because he leaves me without words"

Niall Smiles.

"Ok, I'm out. See you later Lovebirds" Chad stands.

"Ok. And Chad" he look Back at Niall. "You'll help me with that right?"

Chad nodded before leaving out the door.

"Help you with what?" I ask.

"Oh nothing" he kisses my nose.

"Niall" I warn.

"Tori" he mocks me.

I slap him playfully on the arm.

"Come on. We have to get ready" he pulls me up to stand, on my own feet this time.

"Why?" I ask following him up the stairs to his room.

"We're going to see the house today" he laughs.

I walk over to my beg pulling out my clothes that I brought with me. Walking over to the bathroom and closing the door behind me.

I strip out of my sports bra and sweats changing into my black leather shorts with spicks on the pocket, a gray crop top. I pull my hair out of the ponytail and run a brush through it before shaking it out and throwing on a black beanie and my "Bad" rings, heart bracelet. Putting makeup then stumbling out of the bathroom trying to put on my socks. I fall down on the bed finally pulling on the sock and slipping into my black shoes.

(Picture of outfit will be on my Instagram)

Picking my phone up and walking out and down to the living room where Niall sat on his phone. He looks up at me and smiles when he see me standing behind him.

"Ready?" he asked standing to his feet walking over to me. I nod and he grabs my hand. He pulls me out and over to the car. He opens the car door for me, stepping in he closes the door and joins me. He takes off down the road. I lean over and turn the music on and then lean back in my seat. Niall removes one hand and grabs a hold of my hand. I look down at our hands and smile.


We pull up to this beautiful house that is 20 minutes from my house and Is 15 away from the school. As Niall shuts off the car I'm in awe as I step out and get a look of the outside. The house is a two story and has two car parking and a two car garage, the front yard is big but not too big.

(Picture is on my Instagram)

"The outside is just..." I turn to look at him then look back at the house in front of me. "Beautiful" I breathe.

"Wait till you see the inside" I look at him and smile. He grabs my hand leading me up to the front door. He knocks on the door and a young man opens the door.

"Mr. Horan" he greets Niall. Niall nods and the man lets us in.

He closes the door then turns back to us. I look around from the spot that I'm in and awe. The place is beautiful.

"You must be the lucky lady" the man's voice breaks me from my thoughts. I look back at him and smile.

The man that I have come to learn name is John, shows us around the house. In every room a gasp from the beauty. The living room was big but homey, the kitchen and the prefect outlook of the backyard which had its own playground that would be good from the baby soon to come. The bedrooms were a good size but the master was big. I wish I could put the house into words but it leaves me wordless.

We make our way back down to the living room were me and Niall talked about everything and if this is the place.

"What do you think?" he asked.

I think about it...

"It's a really nice house" I tell him looking around the room.

"A really nice place" I add.

He laughs.

"So what are we going to do?" he asks.

I think about it. It a really nice house and has enough rooms for Niall and I plus the soon coming baby and then another room. The backyard is good for the baby... I love it here.

"Where's the papers?"...

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