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Toir's Pov:

"Don't Run Away" he whispers.

I shook my head.


I pulled him into me and joined our lips together. I kissed him slowly and he kissed me slowly.

I laugh when I hear the sound of a camera taking a picture. He took a picture of us-Kissing.

I pull out of the kiss and smile. This was the best thing that has ever happen to me. He is the best thing that has happen to me.

"I love you" he pulled me closer to him.

"I love you" I kiss his cheek

We sit in the same spot that I stood the night of the fight with my arms around his waist and his arm around me. I grabbed his phone from his hand and held it out smiling at the camera. He smile as I took the picture. I look down at the picture and smile. Just looking a picture of us together makes my heart flutter.

He grabbed the phone from me clicking a couple things on the screen before showing me the screen. I smile, he put the picture of us kissing as his background.

I look up at him with my head on his shoulder.

"Thanks" I kiss his cheek again.

"Anything for you Princess" he smiles.

He gently moved me so he could get up, he offered me a hand and I gladly take it as he played me to my feet.

He went to grab the guitar but I put my hands on his chest to top him.

"Niall" I whisper.

"Yeah" he answered.

"We have been through ups and we have been through downs but all of that has brought to where we are right. Now. And ... I wouldn't change anything, I would go through everything over and over again just for you. Us" I wrap my arms around his waist and he wrapped his around mine.

"I would never change anything either" he whispered into my ear.

My head is nicely placed on his chest and his on the top of my head. I don't know what this feeling that I'm am feeling right now. I know it's a form of Love but I think is more... I think I found my forever!

"Don't ever leave me" I look up at him. He shook his head.

"I'll never leave you if you never leave me" and I shake my head at him smiling.

"Never" I rub my nose with his.

He laugh rubbing his nose on mine as well.

"Come on, we aren't finished" he grabbed my hand pulling my out the way we came in.

We walk down the hall, my arm around him and his arm around me. I lean my head on his shoulder as we walk.

I love Niall with everything that's in me and more and I know that for sure. When he was singing to me it made me realize how much he really does mean to me and how much I really do Love him.

"That's my favorite song" I tell him.

"What, the one a song to you?" he asked looking down at me.

I nod looking up at him.

"Its shows us in a way and in some ways it doesn't" he smiles.

I smile too.

"Our song" I whisper.

"Our song" he whispered back.

We walk out of the alley way. I go to walk up to his car but he grabs a hold of my arm and stops me.

"Were walking" he smiles.

"Oh, OK" I smile re-grabbing his hand a letting him lead us the way. We walk done the sidewalk hand in hand my head on his shoulder and his on my head. I know for a fact that if anyone that knew Niall as the one to never dated and just had One Night Stands, saw us right now would think that I'm just a girl that he's trying to have sex with. But I'm not, I'm more than that. I don't know how far Niall and I will go but I hope that whatever this is that we have together will never end or at least if it does end between us we can stay as close as we are now.

We have been walking for what seems like hours but I know as only been minutes. We come to a park, the park that we first told one another our "I Love you"s

This time I pull Niall along and over to the some swing that I sat on his lap on. I gently push him down on the swing and then seat on his lap- his legs in the front and my legs behind him and I wrapped around his waist. He smiled up at me and I smiled back down at him.

It's my turn to ask him a question.

"Remember what happen here?" I ask him. He laughs.

"We told each other that we loved one another" he kisses my nose and I giggle.

I think I get the point of this date. He was to take me back on all the things that we did together and really how far we have gotten.

"Niall" I lean m head on his chest.

"Yeah Princess" he rubs my back.

"There's something that has been killing me, and I just have to ask you it" I tell him.

He told me to go on and tell me. I take a deep breath before asking.

"How do you feel about... started a family" I ask.

"I-I ... um"

"Not now, like if we were to ... you know get married. Or I-"I was cut off by him putting his finger up to my mouth to shh me.

"I for one have told you how I feel about the family thing" he smiles taking his finger from my mouth.

"What?" I don't understand.

"Remember when I told you what would make this Baby thing better?" I nod.

"Well that's my answer" I smile.

I cuddle more into Nialls chest hugging him tighter.

"Have you told your mother about moving in with me... if you still want to" he whispered the last little bit.

"No, I haven't. But I will, I just told her about everything that happened between Jason and them" I tell him.

"What she say" he asked.

"She said she was here for me and that she still can get into my father bank so she would give me money for the baby and that" I sit up and grab his hand playing with his fingers.

"So she's ok with it" I nod and he smiles.

"She also told me that you were something special" I smirk at him.

"Really now" he smirks back.

I laugh.

Niall wraps his arm around my waist and swings us. I wrap my arms around his neck and smile.

"We should start looking for a place" I tell him.

"I have one picked out that I want you to see" he smiles at me.

"What? When did you find the time to look for one" I ask.

"I had it picked out for a couple mouths now" he tells me.

I nod.

"When can we go see it" I ask.

"Whenever, I'll have to make a call before"

"Can we go see it now?" I ask.

He thinks about it...

"Maybe you should tell you mother before we do any looking" he says.

He's right. If I go buying a place without tell her first she will flip. I nod.

"Let's tell her now, and then after that I can pack something to stay at your place" ...

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