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Tori's POV:

I walk into the bathroom, Niall right behind me.

He steps in after me closing the door behind us.

"I wonder when I'm going to get that call" I say as I start to undress.

That was the only thing Niall got out of me when we were driving back here.

"Yeah" he said walking over to me and spinning me around so I could face him.

His hands are on my hips and mine are to my sides.

"Your beautiful, you know that right" he said kissing my neck.

"Niall, stop" I push him off me.

I walk over to the shower and turn it on so it can warm up.

I turn back around and just about have a heart attack. Niall is stand right behind me.

"Niall you scared me" I put my hand over my heart.

"Sorry" he laughed kiss my neck again.

"Niall, I can still kick you out" I push him off again.

"Fine" he groans.

I laugh pulling off my sweat shirt, and my jeans.

"Shit" I hear Niall curse under his breath.

I look over at Niall and see he's only in he's boxers. Oh cheese lord.

His perfect toned chest and his v-line. He's perfect and he doesn't even know it, I'm sure he thinks the same about me, well I don't know that.

"Are you staring" Nialls voice breaks me from my thoughts.

"No" I say as my cheeks go red, I try to hide them by turning around.

I know I have seen Niall like this before and same goes for him for me, but I can't help feel... Different, like it means more this time or something.

I step into the shower with just my swim suit on.

"Stay out there till I say you can come in" I tell Niall as he tried pulling back the Curtain.

"Fine" he groans again.

Laughing to myself as I slip off my swim top and bottoms.

Throwing them out if the shower and then calling to Niall to come in.

I turn my back and hold my arms to my chest, scared that my ugly will turn him away.

I hear the curtain being pulled back and him stepping in.

Arms wrap around my waist and pulling me into a chest, Nialls chest.

"You don't have to be Embarrassed" he said removing my arms from my chest and spinning me around.

I look up at him and see he's already look down at me.

His eyes make they're way down my body to my feet and then back up to my eyes.

"Beautiful" he whispers.

He pulls me into his chest again and brings us both under the hot water.

"You don't ever had to cover up in front of me, because your beautiful" he kisses my forehead.

I lean my body into his and wrap my arms around him.

"Thank you" I whisper giving his chest a kiss.

"For what" he asks "telling you the truth or"

"For everything, for coming into my life and showing me that people can love one another, and for staying by my side through everything we have been through, through our break ups and make ups and everything from my brother. You are the one that has showed me so much and I want to thank you for that" I say looking up at him and smiling.

"Well thank you, thank you for coming into my life and loving me for me, and showing me that love is in fact real. If it wasn't for you I don't know what I would be doing with my life right now. You have made me a better man, you have made a new me. And I thank you for that"

I look up at him and smile. From this moment on I know Niall is the one for me, I just feel in, I know he's the one.

"I love you" I say to him.

"I love you" he kisses me on the lips.

Are lip are joined together like a puzzle piece, and the way our body's fit together, or the way he holds me.

I know his the one for me.

He pulls from this kiss bringing my bottom lip with him. He playfully bite it and then let's go.

"Let's get showered, ok" I ask.

He nodded before grabbing the soap.

I hope everything goes good with this baby, Niall still hasn't said if he was ok with me taking in the baby...


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