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Tori's POV:

"If the baby was ours" he smirked.

What? Did I hear him right.

"I'm sorry but what?" I ask.

He look at me for moment to see if I was be serious- which I am.

"The baby" he laughed "if it was our baby"

I look at him blankly. What was this supposed to mean, is he trying to tell me something? Did he see us having kids? But the bigger question is- did I see him and I having kids in the near future. Sure I love Niall, but is it enough to lead to Kids, Maybe even marriage! Well I would marry before kids. But did I really see Niall... And I having... ki-

"Tori" Nialls voice broke me from my thoughts.

"In sorry. What did you say" I ask shaking my head a little.

"I asked if your ok, you went pal and just stared at me blankly" he asked.

I don't know, am I ok? I don't know- with everything that's happened and Now him bring something up like Kids. What... I'm not ok right now!

"I'm sorry" I get up off Nialls lap and walk over into the door area thing.

Running my hand over my forehead and pacing around.

"Tori you have a pho-" James started before he saw me pacing.

"What James" I ask still pacing.

Why am I acting like this, what wrong with me.

"Phone" he showed me my phone.

"Oh" I walk over to him and take the phone from him.

I put my phone up to my ear.

"Hello" I speck into the phone.

"Hello, this is officer Adams. Today I was giving this number to call" the Ofc. spoke.

I pull the phone from my ear and look to James and Niall on the couch.

"I have to take this" I say before walking away up to the room me and Niall are sharing.

I close the door behind me before putting the phone back up to my ear.

"Hello, miss are you still there" said the officer.

"Um yes, I just was finding a place where it was more quieter" I tell him.

"Ok, well, I was told to call this number, that I would be told about the doings of today" he ask.

"Um yes, that would have been me that made that phone call" I speck.

"Ok, well I would like for you to come in for some questions" he asked me.

"Sure, would Tuesday be alright" I ask.

"Yes that would be fine. Whats you name"

"Tori. Tori Andrews" I tell the guy.

"Ok Tori, I'll see you then"

Yup see you then" I hang up.

I couldn't stay on that phone any longer. I don't know what's happen to me right now, but I'm like having trouble thinking, and everything is running through me head right now.

"Ugh" I groan to myself.

Well time to make some phone calls.

Nialls POV:

" I have to take this" she said before walk up the stairs.

Who's on the phone?

"Mate" James' voice breaks me from my thoughts.

"Yup" I turn to face him.

"Why was Tori pacing when I walked in here" he asked.

Oh god 'daddy's' back.

"Well, we were talking about some stuff and I may or may have not if told her that I wish this baby was ours" I admit.

"Wait you what?" He said.

"I sa-" he cut me off.

"No, no. I heard you but... You want a baby with Tori" he said but it was more of a question.

"Well, it's not that I 'want' a baby with her. It's more like 'you know I love you and I know you love me, maybe if things work out we can have kids' kind of thing" I tell him.

He nodded.

"So why was she pacing" he asked.

"I don't know. After I told her that she looked at me blankly for some time before I knocked her out of it"

"Mate, I think you scared her" he tells me.

"What makes you think that" I ask.

How would I have scared her.

"Well I don't know, but this baby thing might have got her thinking and she could just be think of things" I nod.

Moments later Tori comes back down, with her ear to the phone. Shes in a pair of ironman P-Js and one of my Sweater.

Sh looked so cute wearing my sweaters.

I get up off the couch a walk after her. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

I removes my arms from her waist and pushed me away before walking back up the stairs.

I look over at Harry who sat on a bar stool on his phone.

He looked at me and I looked at him giving him a look as if to say 'what's up with her' and he gave me a 'I don't know' look.

I look back to the stairs and sigh. What's wrong with my princess?

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