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Josephine's POV

I was walking to my apartment in California when it starts pouring rain.


I had 5 more blocks to walk or should I say run. I use to run track in high school but ever since then I don't remember the last time I've ran.

I start bolting down the streets with my head down, trying to avoid the rain from blinding me.


Shit, I just ran into someone.

I look up, and I swear I saw God.

*Rubs eyes*

I take another glance up and see a tall muscular male. He has amazing eyes and damn, that jawline doe!

" Oh my gosh, are you okay?!" He lends me a hand.

" Don't worry about it, I wasn't looking at where I was going" I grab his hand and he pulls me up.

"Are you sure?" He asks me.

"Yeah, really. Thanks for helping me up" I say while continuing to run towards my apartment.

Once I reach my apartment, I strip off my clothes and run a bath.

*Ring Ring*

I look at who was calling me and of course it was my mother.


" Hey to my beautiful daughter"

"Hi mom, is everything alright?"

"Of course, I can't just call my daughter who left New Jersey to follow her dreams"

"Really mom?"

"Anyways, I was just checking up on you and to remind you that I'm ready to be a grandma any day now. Okay bye"

"Wait wh-"

Oh hell no, she did not just do me like that and hang up on me.

I finish my bath and pick out my outfit for my first day on the job tomorrow.

When I turned 18 I told my parents that I'm moving to California to pursue my dream of photography. I'm 23 now, and I finally got my dream job as one of Vogue's photographer.

Every since last year, my mom has been nagging me about marriage and children. Since I'm an only child, she's relying on me to provide her grandchildren.

She's crazy! I'm still young and have my wholelife ahead of me!

Author's Note:
Short chapter, but it's a start! Lol.


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