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Josephine's POV

It's been two months since Grayson and I've been married.

The honeymoon consisted of us laying in a hospital bed together so nothing eventful.

My wound healed pretty well, but I will have a tiny scar on my right thigh.

Today's the day of Charlie's first soccer game. He's been wanting to play a sport every since he saw all of Grayson's trophies.

"It's time to go to your game buddy, are you excited?" I help Charlie put on his coat.

"Yes! I want to have a lot of trophies just like Grayson" Charlie gets up and hugs Grayson.

Awee, my boys.

"Let's get going. We don't want to be late do we" I rush us out of the house.


Ethan and Sierra bring baby Josephine to join us for Charlie's game. Sierra even made him a poster that says "Go #19".

"So, how's motherhood" I ask Sierra as we take a seat on the bleachers.

"It's lovely! Just exhausting sometimes ya' know?" She yawns.

"You want some coffee from the coffee stand over there?" I laugh at her.

She nods and hands the baby to Ethan.


We're walking back when I see Ethan holding baby Josephine and Grayson holding Charlie?

Oh my gosh! Charlie has a bloody nose!

"What happened?!" I rush to Charlie and examine his face.

I was literally gone for 5 minutes.

"Soccer ball got his face" Grayson continues to help clean up Charlie's face.

"My goodness! No more sports after this game" I say.

"Oh come on Josephine, no need for that. He's a kid. He's bound to get hurt" Grayson chuckles at me.

"Yeah Josephine. It's okay. I'm fine" Charlie gives me a reassuring smile.

"Ugh fine" I give in.

I make Charlie sit out the first half of the game until his nose stops bleeding.

"Can I go play now?" Charlie tugs on my arm.

"Yes, just go ask your coach" I sigh.

I don't want him to get hurt.

The coach automatically puts Charlie in the game for the second half.

Charlie's a decent player. He's just clumsy.

The ball finally gets passed to him, and I can feel the excitement in my chest.

I smack Grayson's arm to get his attention, and we begin cheering for him.

"Go Charlie!!" Sierra screams.

I whistle and clap for my boy.

"You got this buddy!" Grayson cheers.

Charlie is running down the field and is about to kick the ball into the net.

He stops and takes a minute to focus. He takes a big step back and kicks the ball into the net.

He did it!

"Way to go Charlie!" I yell.

I'm so proud.

It's his first game, and he already scored.


"You want to go get some ice cream" Grayson asks Charlie.

"Yes please! But only if Ethan, Sierra, and baby Josephine can go too" Charlie hugs Ethan's leg.

We all just laugh at Charlie's cuteness.

"They can come, but you have to ask them if they want to come first" Grayson chuckles.

"Ethan?" Charlie gets off of his leg.

"Yes buddy?" Ethan acts like he doesn't know what Charlie's about to ask him.

"Do you and your family want to come get ice cream with us?" Charlie asks sweetly.

Ethan pretends to think really hard about his answer and whispers back and forth to Sierra.

"Of course buddy" Ethan picks up Charlie and tickles him.


"When we get home you need to take a bath and then it's bedtime" I tell Charlie as we get back in the car from the ice cream shop.

"Okay, but can you to help me pick out my clothes for school tomorrow" he asks.

"As you wish" I reply.


I help Charlie out of the car, and we all wave goodbye to Ethan and Sierra next door.

"Gray, did you leave the window open?" I ask him as we walk to the front door.

"No, did you?" He asks me.

"Obviously not if I asked you" I retort in a duhh tone.

We just ignore it, and Grayson unlocks the front door. I go to the window and close it.

I give Charlie his bath and pick out his clothes for him.

I haven't seen Gray in a while.

"Gray. Grayson" I call throughout the house.

Where is he?

Charlie's in his room getting ready for bed.

I walk to our bedroom and check, but he's not in there. I look in the bathroom, and he's not there either.

Maybe he's downstairs.

I walk down the stairs and hear muffling.

I see Grayson tied to a chair with duct tape on his mouth.

I rush to his aid and start to untie his hands when he really starts to freak out. He is muffling like crazy while looking at something behind me.

Before I know it someone grabs me from behind and covers my mouth.

Everything fades to black.

Author's Note:
They did it; we did it!

I was spending time with my grandma last night, so I did not get to watch the TCA. I'm so happy for them! They won 2 awards! I'm so proud of them 💙💙

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I Love You❤

Until next time my loves 💋


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