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Josephine's POV

I couldn't fall asleep last night. I just laid there, staring at the white ceiling.

The sun is rising, and I know it's almost time to go to the hospital for another chemotherapy session.

I need to get ready, but I don't want to face Grayson.

Hmmm, I'll just go next door.


Sierra insist that she come with me to the hospital, so I brought her along.

"I'll be back in an hour" I tell Sierra before walking off into the chemotherapy room.


I'm about to leave the hospital before doctor Brinde stops me for questioning.

"Hey Josephine, before you go, I wanted to know if you've been experiencing any side effects yet" he adjusts his glasses.

"Uhh, not that I know of yet, but I'll let you know" I make my way to the waiting center.

"Soooo, how'd it go" Sierra gets up.

"Fine, but I'm starving" I lock our arms together.

"Well we can eat anything you want except for sushi" she rubs her belly.

"Fineee, let's just get a burger" we get in the car.


Our food arrives, but I'm not that hungry anymore. I just sat there staring at Sierra devour her burger.

"Are you sure you're not hungry" she asks before she eats my burger.

"I'm sure" I smile.

"Okay, suit yourself" she shoves her mouth.

I can feel my heart rate increasing for no reason right now.

Why am I so anxious for?

I guess Sierra could tell something was bothering me.

"What's up? You've been acting strange every since yesterday" she says with sincerity

"Hmm, what? N-nothing's wrong" I lightly smile.

I can't tell her.

Or can I?

"Ohh bs Josephine, I can see right through you. Somethings up and I know it. My motherly instincts are telling me it" she rubs her baby bump.

I mean, it won't hurt if I tell her right?

"If I tell you, promise me you won't tell anyone, ANYONE" I emphasize.

"Of course, my lips are sealed" she locks her lips and throws away the key.

I start telling her about the whole ordeal between Grayson and I for about half an hour.

"And now he says he's in love with me" I slump down in the booth.

"Wait, hold up. So this is all a lie? No fuckin way!" She jumps up from her spot.

"Ohh would ya' sit down" I whisper yell because people are starting to stare at us.

"Sooo, what cha say back to him" she narrows her eyebrows.

"I didn't say anything. I went to sleep on the couch and woke up before he did to go to the hospital" I say nonchalant.

"Sooo, you don't love him?" She asks confused.

"You don't listen do you? I said this will all be over soon, so there's no point. Plus, I don't think I see myself being married in life" I shrugg my shoulders.

"I heard you, but you never said the words "I don't love him" or "I don't have feelings for him". Sooo" she presses her lips together.

Why must she ask me so many questions?

Why must she ask me THESE questions?

"I don't know. I guess not" I sip on my water.

"My gosh you're confusing but let me just tell you this okay?" She looks at me for approval to continue, and I nod.

"You have been a major impact in Grayson's life. Our life. You even changed me! *she chuckles*

I've seen the way Grayson looks at you. It's the way Sean looks at Lisa. It's also the way Ethan looks at me. I know he loves you, hell, I didn't even expect what you told me today to be true.

If you haven't told me about your marriage pact with Grayson, I wouldn't have suspected a thing. Trust me when I tell you this. This love between you two is real. I think that's why you're so scard to face it, to face him. Don't push away your feelings Josephine. If  you're scard then start off with baby steps until you're sure of your feelings for him. Let him be there for you. Let him help you while you're fighting this cancer. You two are meant for one another" a tear slips from her eye.

I didn't think Sierra could get this deep.

"Sorry, hormones" she laughs and wipes away her tears.

"It's okay. Thank you for that speech" I get up and hug her.

Ring Ring

"It's Ethan" Sierra picks up her phone.

I sit back down and listen to their conversation. I mean, she is talking to him on speaker in front of me.

"Hey Eth"

"Hey baby, where'd you go"

"I'm with Josephine"

"Ohh. Grayson's been searching for her at the hospital all afternoon"

"Well, we just finished our lunch. We'll be back in 10"

"Okay, I'll let Gray know. Bye, love you"

"Love you too"

I get up and pay for our bill before Sierra can refuse.


"Okay, I'll see you" Sierra hugs me.

"Awe, I can't come back to your place" I pout.

"No, you have some unfinished business to take care of" she points at my condo.

"Fineee, see ya ' later" I wave to her and we part ways.

I'm standing at the front door mentally preparing myself. I take a deep breath and open the door.

Author's Note:
Today's my last day of school, and I'm so happy! But, summer sixteen is going to suck ass.

A little unnecessary story:

So I usually wear my hair up in a ponytail or bun because my hair is a rats nest 😂😂

Today I didn't have it up because the only hair tie I owe broke, and this guy that sits next to me in my history class said "Wow, you straightened your hair today. It looks nice".

But my hair really just looked like complete utter shit, it was frizzy and nappy af LOL.

Ahahha idk, this "story" made no sense but that was my day.

How was yours?

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