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Josephine's POV

Today's the day, April 8th, 2016, the day I get 'engaged' to a man I've known for a day.

I meet Grayson at the jewelry store, and I see that he's already picked out a few rings.

"Hey Grayson" I lean in for a hug.

"Hey Josephine, I already picked out some rings for you to try on" he motions to the three rings in front of us.

Each ring was different. One was a circle, a square, and a teardrop diamond shape.

"I like the simple 2 carrot with the plain band" I point to the circle diamond shape ring in the middle.

"Okay, I'll get you that one" he motions for the worker.

"That's a good choice, so how'd you guys meet. What's your story" the jeweler puts her chin on her hands and leans over the counter.

Damn, we never thought about that.

"How much is the ring" I change the subject.

"It'll be $3,500" she places the ring in a box.

We leave the jewelry store and head to Blue Mountain's for lunch.


"If we're going to do this, we need to be organized" I tell him once we get seated.

"What do you mean" he seems confused.

"Like we need to have a story on how we met and how you proposed" I explain.

"We met at work and I proposed to you at Blue Mountain's" and with that being said he got on one knee.

"Josephine Zoey Grazino, will you marry me" he pulls out the ring from his pocket.

"Yes?"  I was shocked, I didn't think he would do that. I thought he would just hand me the ring after lunch.

I didn't think he'd actually propose, like get on one knee and all of that.

People begin clapping and whistling.

A guy kept taking pictures, and it turns out that Grayson hired him so we can have photos to show our mothers.

"We need to move in together too, so you should pack your things and move into my place" he places the ring on my finger.

"That's fine, my lease is up on my apartment next week anyways. Will you help me carry my boxes" I ask him.

"Of course" he smiles.

"Hey, you guys didn't kiss" someone in the crowd interrupts our conversation.

As soon as the person said that, everyone at the restaurant started to chant.


I look at Grayson with worried eyes and that's when he starts to lean in. I soon feel his lips against mine. The kiss was full of passion, and I couldn't help but melt into the kiss.

I felt something in my stomach after we pulled away from the kiss.

Oh no, it can't be.

I had butterflies.


When we got back to the car we decided it was time to tell our families. Grayson called his mother while I called mine.

Phone call:


"Hey mom"

"To what do I owe the pleasure my beautiful daughter"

"I have great news for you"

"Really!? Are you pregnant?!"

"No, but I'm engaged"


"Yes! It's about time! When can I meet my future son-in-law?!"

"Uhh, I'm not sure. Soon though. Well I have to go, goodbye mom"

"Visit soon with your fiancé!! Goodbye"

I hang up and Grayson is still on the phone with his mom. He's nodding his head and saying "uh huh".

He finally hangs up after 5 minutes.

"So, my family, well, my mom wants to meet you" he looks over at me.

"Same here, we should plan a trip. My family is from New Jersey" I tell him.

"No way, me too!" He squeals.

I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"I guess we're going to New Jersey then. When do you want to go" I ask him.

" After you move in, we can go next week" he nods his head.

"Next week it is" I say.

Author's Note :
I'm so hungry right now, ughh. Anyways, thank you for reading 😙


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