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⚠One More Chapter Left ⚠

Josephine's POV

Grayson and Ethan's birthday's are in three days, so Sierra and I decided to throw them a surprise birthday party.

"So do you want me to get the cake?" I ask Sierra.

"No, you just distract the boys this afternoon, and I'll get everything ready. Just come back at 3pm" she smiles.

"How am I going to do that" I huff.

"Oh, Ethan's been talking about wanting to go bowling for a while now" she points her index finger in the air.

"I guess I'll take them out for breakfast, and we'll go bowling" I sigh.

"Why so gloomy for" she asks.

"I suck at bowling" I laugh.

"That's why they have bumpers for" she laughs with me.

"True. I'll get going now. I have to wake my boys up first, and we'll swing by for Ethan" I stand up and hug Sierra.

"Don't forget to be back at my house by 3pm!" She shouts before I slam her front door.


We all get out of the car and enter the small diner. I convinced them that we should all go out and enjoy our day off of work. Sierra lied and told them that she couldn't join us because she has an important modeling meeting to go to. We also dropped baby Josephine off to her daycare.

We sit down in a booth and order our food. Charlie is coloring on the piece of paper our waitress gave him.

"Oh yeah, we're going bowling after this" I say as the waitress walks away.

"Yay! I've never been bowling before" Charlie cheers.

"It's so much fun. Your Uncle Ethan and I use to be apart of the bowling club in middle school" Grayson pats Ethan's back.

"Yeah, and we were apart of the bicycle club too" Ethan smiles while reminiscing.

"I don't know how to ride a bike" Charlie sighs.

"Really? Don't worry about it because I'll teach you one day buddy" Grayson smiles.

Our food arrives.

"Really!?" Charlie's eyes widen.

"Of course" Grayson chimes.


"Welcome to Ace Lanes! How many lanes" a young girl greets us.

"Two please. One with bumpers and one without" I inform her.

She tells us our lane numbers and then we walk over to the shoe station.

We give the guy behind the counter or shoe sizes, and he hands us our bowling shoes.

Grayson helps Charlie put his shoes on while I struggle with my own shoes.

"Grayyy..." I shyly smile.

"Yes babe" he finishes putting on his shoes.

"I can't put my shoes on" I laugh.

"My belly is in the way" I rub my belly.

I haven't been able to put on my shoes unless they're slip on or flip flops.

"I'll help you" he takes my bowling shoes from me.

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