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Josephine's POV

Today's moving day so I pack all my belongings in boxes and label them. I dial Grayson's number asking him if he is almost here.

"Hey Josie"

"Hey Gray, I finished packing. Are you almost here?"

"Actually, I'm in front of your door right now" he chuckles

"Oh okay"

I walk to my door and there he was. I let him in and lead him to where all my boxes where. My apartment was on the 5th floor, and we don't have any elevators. We are going to have a workout a head of us.


After an hour of lifting boxes from my apartment to the truck, we decide it was time to take a break. I go in the kitchen to make me and Grayson some pink lemonade with tons of ice.

I walk back into the living room with a glass in each hand and nearly dropped them. Grayson was shirtless and let's just say he shouldn't be the one behind the camera.

He's so hot. I just want to lick his abs. Gosh he's a sexy man.

Wait, what am I saying. I can't think that.

I guess I was staring at him while thinking/ talking to myself when he lightly coughs to get my attention.

"Uhh here's your drink" I hand him his drink.

" Thank you" he takes the cup and chugs it.

We finish loading the truck with my boxes, and I couldn't help but sit in the middle of my empty living room. I kept thinking about how much memories this place held. This is my first place where I lived on my own.

Grayson sits down next to me and places his arm around me. I couldn't help but feel nervous. I don't know why though.

"You ready?" He whispers

"Yeah" I stand up and walk out, taking one last glance before closing the door.


The drive to Grayson's condo wasn't that far. He only lived ten minutes away from me.

We unload the boxes in his living room and that's when I forgot to ask him where my room would be.

"So, where's my room?" I place the last box down.

"Ohh yeah, my condo only has one room." He scratches the back of his neck.

"Oh" I fumble with my fingers.


Grayson clears out half of his closet for me while I begin unpacking my boxes.

It was dinner time, so I start to cook. I rummage through the fridge and see what he has. Looks like I'll be making salmon with mash potatoes.

Grayson is napping on the couch. He is exhausted from all the heavy lifting today, so I'll just wake him up when I'm done cooking.


I start to season the salmon and boiling the potatoes. It will only take me 45 minutes to cook.

I walk to the couch and couldn't help but admire him. His beautiful complexion has me memorized. The way he slept with his hands inbetween his knees, and his mouth slightly open with cute snoring noises escaping his lips.

"Gray, the food's ready" I lightly shake him.

"Yay food" he cheers and opens his eyes.

I couldn't help but laugh at how cute he sounded.

We sit at the table and begin diving into our food.

"Don't forget our plane is tomorrow morning at 6" Grayson reminds me.

"I almost forgot. Did you pack already" I cut a piece of salmon.

"This morning. So we're staying at my parents house for the first day and yours the second day?" He looks up at me.

"Yeah, and then on the last day we're all going to get together. Your family and mine" I take a bite of my mash potatoes.


I wash the dishes and take a quick shower before heading to bed.

I did my skin care routine and blow dried my hair, which takes me thirty minutes to do!

I brush my teeth and walk into Grayson's room. I mean our room.

"Hey" I sit on what I suppose will be my side of the bed.

"Hey" he starts stripping off his clothes and is only in his briefs.

"Uhhh" I look away.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'm just use to sleeping like this. I'll change" he hurriedly gathers his clothes to put on.

"No it's fine, really. Sleep however you please" I give him a reassuring smile.

We lay down in bed and turn off the lights. I put a pillow inbetween us, so I could sleep more comfortably knowing that there's a barrier between us.

It feels weird sleeping with someone in the same bed as me. I'm use to having the whole bed to myself.

I pull the blanket over myself and fall asleep.

Author's Note :
Wish me luck on the SAT tomorrow!


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