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Josephine's POV

Our trip to New Jersey was a success. Everyone believes we're actually going to get married!

The plane ride back to California was bumpy. I had a headache the whole time, and the kid behind me kept kicking my seat.

When we got back to the condo, I start packing for Milan. I have a total of 5 suit cases and one carry on. I am due to leave in the morning, so I will be on a plane, once again.

"Are you hungry" Grayson asks when I finally finish packing.

"Very" I rub my stomach.

He chuckles and suggests we order pizza and watch a movie since we just got back from traveling.


"I'm so full. I can't breathe" Grayson inhales a deep breath.

"Ahah that's what you get when you eat a whole box of pineapple pizza to yourself" I pat his shoulder.

We put on another movie, The Great Gatsby, and lay down trying to relax.

My eyes start to slowly close and before I knew it I am asleep.


I hear pots and pans banging like someone is cooking. I pull myself up from the bed?

How did I get here? I fell asleep on the couch watching The Great Gatsby.

Grayson must have moved me.

I creep into the kitchen spotting a shirtless Grayson cooking.

"Good morning, did you move me lastnight" I hover over him to see what he's cooking.

"Yeah, I didn't want you sleeping on the couch. I'm making breakfast for you before your flight to Italy" he smiles weakly.

Why does he seem sad?

I just shrug it off and take an seat at the table while Grayson cooks.


After breakfast I take a quick shower before it's time to go to the airport.

I haul my carry on to the car while Grayson argues that he can take all 5 of my suit cases to the car.

Grayson drives us to the airport, and the car ride is silent. Not an awkward silence but a sad silence. Like he's sad I'm leaving silence.

I just ignore the silence and before I know it we are at the airport.

I check in and this is where we part ways.

"Goodbye Gray. I'll see you in January" I hug him.

"Stay safe Josephine. Have the best time of your life in Milan. I'll see you on the new year" he pecks my cheek and walks away.

I can't help but feel sad when he left.

I'm going to miss him.

Grayson's POV

I can't believe she's going to be halfway across the world for almost a year. I'm going to miss her, but she won't miss me.

Why would she?

Author's Note:
There will be a time jump; 9 months.

Sorry for the short update ❤


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