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Josephine's POV

Grayson and I are on our way to chemotherapy.

I grabbed a brush for the car ride because we were running late. Grayson's driving, so I can do my hair in the car.

We get inside the car, and I immediately start brushing through my hair. That's when I notice parts of my hair falling out.

No, I can't lose my hair.

I feel tears streaming down my face.

"G-Grayson" my voice shakes.

I just hold up the hair in my hands and just kept crying.

He parks the car in the hospital parking lot and hugs me.

"Hey, hey, now. Don't cry" he rubs my back.

"I-I don't want to lose my hair Grayson" I cry onto his chest.

"Don't you worry. You won't be the only one. Let's go to your session. We don't want to be late okay?" He pulls away and looks at me.

What does he mean I won't be the only one?

I nod my head and wipe away my tears.


"Dr. Brinde, I'm starting to lose my hair" I hold up pieces of my hair.

"That's the number one side affect of chemotherapy. We should run more blood tests on you" he calls for a nurse.

I get blood drawn, and I'm sent to my chemotherapy session room.

I hate chemotherapy. It's literally draining the life out of me. I feel so tired afterwards.


On our way home, Grayson stops by a barber shop down the road.

"You're getting a hair cut?" I look out the window.

"Come on" he holds my hand leading us to the doors.

"One hair cut please" he hands the man $60.00.

"Gray, why am I here? I'm tired. I just want to go home" I motion my arms around the room.

A man motions for Grayson to sit down in a chair. Grayson whispers how he wants his hair cut.

I just lay down on the three waiting chairs.

Just as my eyes are about to shut, I hear a hair buzzer come on and immediately jolt upward.

I look up and see the man shaving Grayson's hair.

"Are you crazy!?" I smack Grayson's arm.

"Only crazy for you. Like I said, you won't be the only one to lose your hair. You won't have to go through this alone Josephine" he smiles showing his pearly white teeth.

I can't believe he is really going to shave his hair just so I won't be alone in this.

He's something else.

I guess I should just shave my hair as well. I should just get it over with right now.

"Thank you Grayson" I feel a teardrop escape.

"I think I want to get my hair shaved next" I take a seat next to him.


"Wow, I can't believe we just did that" I touch his shaved head.

"It was for you" he kisses my cheek.

I couldn't help but blush from his kind gesture.

"You really loved your hair, so thank you" I get in the car.

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