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Josephine's POV

So I finally learn his name, Grayson. He invited me to lunch. I'm guessing so we can rant about our crazy mothers.

"Hey Josephine, ready for lunch" he finishes editing a photo.

"Yeah, where to" I walk out of my work station.

"The sub shop next to the café across the street" we begin walking to the elevators.

We reach the sub shop and order. Grayson ends up paying for the meal after we argued about it for 20 minutes.

"So, I heard your mother keeps nagging you about marriage and children. Am I right?" He takes a bite out of his sub.

" Yes! She's been nagging me about it every since I turned 22 last year" I tell him.

"Same thing with my mother too, every since my twin brother Ethan got married last month, my mother won't stop nagging me about marriage" he sips his drink.

" I don't see why they won't understand that we're still young and have our whole life ahead of us. Plus, I don't even want to get married. I'm fine with being by myself." I wipe my mouth with a napkin.

"I think I have a solution to both of our problems" he finishes his sub.

I wonder what it is.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"A marriage pact" he simply states.

"A what?" I ask confused.

"Like we'll get engaged but only for 1 year. Once the one year mark hits, we'll call off the wedding and move on with our lives." He tells me.

"So you want to be engaged for 1 year and then call off our so call wedding for next year. That way our mothers will stop nagging us? " I ask for reassurance.

" Yes, so let's pick out your ring tomorrow and then we can tell our families after, that we're engaged" he tells me.

"Wait how long do we have to be engaged for again" I already forgot.

"1 year" he informs me again.

"Deal" we exchange numbers and head back to work.

Author's Note :
Night loves 💜


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