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Josephine's POV

Today's the day. The day I get married. The day every little girl dreams of.

Sierra's running around like a crazy person because she can't find her phone.

"Josephine, have you seen my phone!?" Sierra panics.

"Uhh, you're talking to me on the phone. You need to relax. I'm getting you some breakfast from the lobby" I mentally face palm myself for her silliness.

I'm honestly feeling so calm right now. I don't know why Sierra's so stressed for. It's not even her wedding.

I grab some food for Sierra and make my way back to our room.


Knock knock

Sierra gets up to open the door when I hear her yelling at someone.

"What are you doing here!? You're not allow to see the bride" she bellows.

"Yeah, I know that. I just want you to give this to Josephine for me, please" I hear Grayson's voice.

I hear the door close, and Sierra comes back with flowers in her hands.

"These are for you" she huffs.

I admire the white Lilies; they're my favorite.

There's a card that reads" To my beautiful Wife, love your Husband".

I couldn't help but smile to myself knowing that today Grayson will upgrade himself to be my husband.

"The make up artist is here for you Josephine" Sierra breaks me out of my thoughts.


My hair has grew to a pixie hairstyle while Grayson's is still more of a long buzz cut.

"All done" the make up artist sprays a setting spray on my face.

My mom, Lisa, and Sierra are here in the hotel room getting their make up done as well.

"You guys, it's time to get dressed" Sierra squeals.

My mom takes the cover off of my dress, and I'm still in awe about how beautiful and it is.

I step into the gown and Lisa zips me up easily. No signs of a struggle like last time.

Sierra puts my veil on me, and they all take a step back. Tears are exploding from their eyes.

"You guys, stop crying" I slight chuckle at them.

"How are you not crying" Sierra wipes her eyes.

I honestly don't know why I'm not crying either.

"My baby is getting married" my mom continues to bawl her eyes out.

"Welcome to the family Josephine! I've always wanted a daughter" Lisa cheers.


We all pile into the fancy limo Sierra rented for us and make our way to the church where the ceremony will take place at.

"I've called the owner of the church, and they said everyone's seated. Everything is on schedule" Sierra opens the door.

I take in the scenery. There's a waterfall near the front door entrance to the church and a bird cage with two doves next to a sign that says "Welcome, take a seat not a side".

My mom and Lisa go inside the church to take their seats while Sierra is finding Ethan.

"Wow, my little girl isn't so little anymore" my dad starts to choke up.

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