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Josephine's POV

Although today is Christmas day, it doesn't feel like it without the snow.

I'm peacefully sleeping when I feel the bed being jumped on.

"WAKE UP! ITS CHRISTMAS!" Charlie cheers.

"What time is it" I groan.

"6 in the morning" Charlie plops down on the bed.

Grayson and I scramble in bed and sit up. I feel the baby moving crazily in my belly.

"When is she going to be here" Charlie whines.

"I don't know baby" I laugh at how upset he is.

Grayson and I go to the bathroom and brush our teeth. I can barely bend over the sink to spit out the mouthwash.

Grayson and I walk down to the living room together where Charlie is waiting for us.

"Finally" Charlie claps.

Grayson and I agreed on no gifts this year for the both of us. We want to save this year's gift costs for our children's college education.

"Can I open the gift Santa got me first!?" Charlie holds the gift in his hands.

"Sure buddy" Grayson chuckles.

He slowly starts to peel off the wrapping paper and once he sees what's underneath the wrapping paper he squeals.

"This is exactly what I asked Santa for" he holds the kite kit in his hands.

Seeing him this happy makes my heart melt. I can't until he sees what Grayson and I got him for Christmas.

"I got you guys a gift too" Charlie takes out two gifts from the tree that weren't there last night.

"Charlie, you didn't have to" I sigh.

"How'd you buy them" Grayson asks.

"From my lemonade stand I did a while ago" Charlie smiles.

So that's why he wanted to have a lemonade stand.

I open my gift and inside is a mug that says "#1 Mom". Grayson gift is a mug that says "#1 Dad".

I'm definitely going to use this mug all the time when the baby comes. I'm going to be needing my caffeine.

"Awe, I love it baby" I kiss his cheek.

"Thank you buddy! I'm going to use it today when I make us hot chocolate" Grayson holds his mug up in the air.

"Sooo. Your father and I have a gift for you, but it couldn't fit under the tree" I get up from the couch.

"Let's go to the garage buddy" Grayson holds Charlie's hand.

We walk to the garage, but I want Charlie to close his eyes so I make Grayson cover Charlie's eyes with his hands.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now" Grayson removes his hands from Charlie's eyes.

Charlie gasps and embraces us both in a hug.

In front of him is a bicycle with a big red bow.

"Thank you thank you thank you" he  repeats fast.

"You want to give it a try?" Grayson motions his head towards the bike.

"Yes pleaseee" he climbs on the bike on his pj's and slippers.

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