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Josephine's POV

Being on bed rest sucks. Grayson won't let me get up to do anything like make myself food or even get the mail.

Grayson had to go to an important meeting today, so he's gone for a few hours.

I decide that I'm going to do three loads of laundry, get the mail, and cook some lunch for Grayson and I to eat.

I know he'll be mad that I got up from bed, but I can't help feeling helpless when I know I'm not.


I finish the three loads of laundry and realize that more than half of the clothes I washed and folded are Grayson's. Either he's a messy kid or wears three outfits a day.

I cook smoked ham with peas for lunch. Grayson should be back any minute now, and I'm preparing for his lecture about me not being in bed.

*front door opens*

"Hey, why aren't you in bed" he says sternly.

"I made lunch" I smile.

"Josephine, you're suppose to be in bed. Come on" he helps me off the dinning room chair and into the room.

"I'll bring the food in here" he leaves.

We eat our lunch in bed and talk about his meeting.

*Knock knock*

"Who's here?" I look over at Grayson.

He gets the front door, and I instantly knew who it is. It's our parents, Ethan, and Sierra.

They all come rushing into the room.

"Hey honey" my mom rushes to my side.

"I thought you and dad weren't coming until next week?" We pull apart from our hug.

"You really thought I was going to listen to you" she laughs.

"We're so glad your safe and healthy now" my dad adds.

"Yes, we came to have a nice dinner with you, to celebrate your battle with cancer" Lisa chimes.

"Whao whao whao guys. She's on bed rest until tomorrow" Grayson points his fingers at all of them.

"She can rest in the chair at the restaurant" Sierra fights back.

"Come on Gray. They're only here for today" I try reasoning with him.

"No, you need to be in bed. Resting" he tenses up.

"How about you guys go wait in the living room, and we'll get back to you guys" I motion to the door.

They all leave making it just me and Grayson in our room. Alone.

"Come on Gray, why can't we go out for dinner? I'll stay in bed all day tomorrow. Pleaseee, I promise" I hold my hands together.

"Pinky promise?" He holds out his pinky.

"Pinky promise" I lock our pinkies.

"Yay, thank you" I kiss his cheek and hug him.

He groans and pulls me into a kiss.

"You always miss" he pouts.


Everyone can't decide were to go, so I just Google a 5 star restaurant for us.

I wear a short flowy dress because if I wear anything tight, it will irratate where I got surgery at.

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