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Josephine's POV

Im laying down on the cold metal table. I'm told not to move, but my eyes wander around my surroundings.

He puts the mask over my mouth and tells me to count backwards from 10.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6-" my eyes become heavy.


I'm walking through a dark forest, and I can feel the leaves crumble underneath me.

I see a faint light ahead, so I follow the path to it.

"Hello" someone approaches me.

"Hi, do I know you?" I ask the person.

"You might remember me" she steps closer, and I recognize her. She's the fortune teller.

"Why are you here?" I ask confused.

"I have another fortune for you: Give love a try. It'll do you justice" she vanishes.

"Wait, come back!" I yell after her.



My eyes slowly begin to open. All I can see is sunlight. I wait for my eyes to adjust before I fully open them and look around.

I spot a sleepy Grayson on the arm chair with his head laying on his arms. He looks so peaceful.

I guess I made it through surgery.

I search for my phone so I can call my mom, but I can't find it anywhere.

"You're awake" Grayson says excited.

"Yeah, I woke up like ten minutes before you. You should rest and get some sleep" I say while still searching for my phone.

"What are you looking for?" He stands up.

"My phone. I have to call my mom" I glance at his direction.

"You're not suppose to be up like that, lay down. I have it" he helps me get back into the hospital bed and hands me my phone.

I call my mom to let her know that I'm alive, and she's relieved. She tells me that she'll be here next week with my dad to check up on me.

"Are you hungry? Thirsty?" Grayson sounds like my mother.

"No I'm fine" I chuckle.

"What's so funny" he asks confused.

"Nothing, it's just that you're kinda acting like my mom" I laugh again.

"Well it's because I care about you. You are my everything" he states it like it's a fact.

"Ohhh" I blush.

I just now remember my dream I had when I went under anesthesia.

Should give love a try with Grayson?

I mean, what's the worst that can happen? I already know he loves me.

He plops down on the chair again while yawning.

"Why are you so tired" I ask curiously.

"I stayed up while you were getting surgery, to make sure you came back to me" he flashes a small grin.

"Here, you can sleep on the bed with me" I scoot over.

He stands up but hesitates.

"You sure" he nervously asks.

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