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Josephine's POV

The party was fun I guess. I'm not much of a party gal, but I did enjoy it.

I'm going to an early yoga class, so I change into yoga gear. I put on yoga pants and a spots bra. Grayson is still sleeping, so I try to get ready quietly.


I come back home to see Grayson still sleeping, so I'll just make lunch and then maybe he'll be up by then.

I rummage through the fridge when the door bell rings.

Who could it be?

I check the peephole and see my mother and Mrs. Dolan!?

Why are they here!?

I run to the room and shake Grayson.

"Gray, wake up! Our mothers are here" I whisper yell.

His eyes shoots up, "What? Why are they here" he groans while getting up.

"I don't know, but I have to go open the door for them now" I run back to the front door and open it.

"Hey honey! I missed you!" My mom hugs me.

"Where's Grayson" Mrs. Dolan hugs me as well.

"Right here" Grayson trials behind me.

"Josephine, why are you dressed like that? Put some clothes on for goodness sake" she motions her hand towards my yoga outfit.

"I just got back from yoga " I defended myself.

"Come in and have a seat" Grayson interrupts.

I go into my room to change, and I hear the door open behind me. I turn around, and Grayson is sitting in the bed facing me.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"You think I'm going to stay out there with both of our mothers?" He says in disbelief.

"True. I'm going to change now so turn around" I demand.

Grayson's POV

I turn around and let her change.

I never really noticed Josephine's body before. She has a cute bubble butt in those yoga pants.

"Done" Josephine interrupts my thoughts.

We start walking to the living room when I stop her and hold her hand.

"For them to believe all of this is real" I whisper to her.

She nods, and we continue to the living room.

"Awee look at that" my mom squeals.

Josephine and I sit across from our mothers.

"So, what brings you guys here" I ask them.

" To see Josephine of course and to talk about the wedding" my mom begins talking.

"Ahh, I see" I rub my chin.

Josephine's POV

I can't believe they flew all this way, unexpected might I say, just to bombard us about the wedding.

"Josephine baby, how come you haven't picked out a dress and venue yet" my mom nags.

Yeah, they figured out that I wasn't planning for the wedding while I was in Italy. They started snooping and calling all the places to see if I actually reserved it yet.

They are some sneeky bitches when they're together.

"So let's go look at a venue Lisa and I found for you two" my mom stands up.


We arrive at Love Tails, and it's a beautiful venue. It has high ceilings with an open dance floor. Chandeliers and tall columns are everywhere.

We walk through the place and Grayson is holding my hand. He would wrap his arms around my waist while planting kisses every now and then.

His touch makes me nervous.

Our mothers would just look at us in awe and admiration. We have them fooled.

Or am I the one fooling myself?

"Do you guys like it" Mrs. Dolan pulls my mom closer to her.

I look up at Grayson.

"I mean, it's nice" he shrugs his shoulders.

"Good, because we booked it in April" My mom and Mrs. Dolan announce.

"WHAT?!" Grayson and I shout at the same time.

"This is our gift for you two. We split the bill and are paying for your venue" Mrs. Dolan chirps.

Grayson and I just look at them in disbelief. How could they? They just messed everything up. We aren't suppose to get married!

I pull Grayson to the side, " What the hell are we going to do?! I'm not getting married to you, that wasn't apart of the marriage pact" I try my best not to yell.

"On the day of the wedding, we can just call it off. The marriage pact ends in April anyways" he calms me down with his thinking.

I nod my head, and we return back to our insane mothers.


"I'm going to cook dinner now" I walk into the kitchen.

"Actually honey, Lisa and I are going back to our hotel now. Ohh and we'll be going dress shopping tomorrow while Lisa and I are still here!" my mom walks in behind me.

"Yeah, we just wanted to show you that venue in person. We'll see you tomorrow" Mrs. Dolan comes in the kitchen and leaves with my mom.

These women, I swear.

For dinner, I'm going to grill chicken breast with some green veggies on the side. I'm grilling the chicken breast when I hear Grayson enter the kitchen.

"Hey" he wraps his arms around me and rests his chin on my shoulder rocking me back and forth.

"Ya ' know, our mothers left a while ago. So we don't have to pretend anymore" I turn around so I'm now facing him.

"Who says I'm pretending" he kisses my jawline and down to my neck.

Author's Note:
To be continue 😊

People urk me sometimes, I swear. Anyways, have a great week!🍍🍓


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