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Josephine's POV

Sierra and Ethan want to have a double date adventure today with me and Grayson.


"Do we have to go" I complain to Grayson.

"Yesss, we already agreed to it" he puts on his shoe.

"Ughh" I get up and dress myself in something other than my pajamas.


"So what exactly are we doing today" I look at Ethan and Sierra.

"We're going to climb a trail to the top of the Hollywood sign which includes food stops and fun activities along the way" Ethan chimes.

"Really? We're spending today doing that" I say in disbelief.

"Well duhh, what else would we do?" Sierra buts in.

"I don't know, maybe stay in bed and watch a tv marathon of Teen Wolf while eating cookies" I throw my arms in the air.

"That's no fun" Ethan and Sierra agree together.

"You guys disgust me" I laugh at their serious faces.


We arrive at the trail called A Walk to Fame.

"I like the name" Grayson nods his head.

"It takes two hours to make it to the top, if we start on the trail right now we'll make it there in time for sunset" Sierra squeals.

"Let's get this over with" I huff.

We begin on the trail. There are about ten other people walking the trail today as well.

Food stands and activities are seen along the pathway of the trail.

"How about we do this activity" Sierra points to a stand not to far away.

We walk up to the stand and learn that this activity is apple bobbing.

The fuck is this shit?

"Really? We came to climb a trail up to the Hollywood sign and there's an apple bobbing station?" I scoff.

"It'll be fun" Ethan cheers.

We pay the man and decide we'll make this a contest. Me and Grayson versus Ethan and Sierra.

"Ready, set, go!" The man screams.

We get down and try picking up apples with our mouths. It's not easy.

Grayson and I manage to beat them by one apple. We both are very competitive people.


We continue on the trail for about an hour when I demand we get some food.

"I need food right now" I forcefully drag them all towards a hot dog stand.

I run to the lady and order for us. Everyone is still walking towards me, so I sit down at a table with our food waiting for them.

"You already got the food?" Grayson chuckles.

"Yup" I talk with my mouth full.


We were almost to the top, but Sierra wants to do one more activity.

This activity has its own little building. We walked in, and I instantly knew what this person is. She's a fortune teller.

I don't know how I feel about this.

"Welcome, who would like to go first" she looks around at us.

No one answers.

"It's okay if no one wants to go alone. I can just do a group reading" she smiles.

We all nod and take a seat around her.

"I see happiness in the future for you all" she pauses.

"But there's something else" she takes a breath.

"I feel tension in the air. Like... like.. a secret or lie" she keeps staring at me.


Is she talking about the marriage pack?

Why tf does she keep looking at me for?

I thought this was a group reading?

"Someone is holding back their feelings and emotions. Not good" she looks at Grayson now.

"Well that's all I can tell you guys but be cautious. I see something tragic ahead" she looks at everyone but stares at me.

This bitch is crazy.


We walk out of the tiny building exchanging looks.

"That was interesting" Grayson huffs.

"Yeah" Ethan breathes.

"I don't know. Let's just hurry up and make it to the top" Sierra rushes us.


The sunset is about to form. The way to the top was exhausting!

Every couple has their own blanket to lay down on. Grayson and I are laying down. I'm staring off into the sunset but can feel Grayson staring at me.

"Ohh would you quit with the staring" I glare at him.

"It's not my fault that you're so beautiful. I can't help but stare" he swipes his thumb against my cheek.

He just called me beautiful.

Author's Note:
Im so stressed and annoyed with life. I'm just so anxious for no reason right now. It's  overwhelming.

Anyways, I love you. Thank you for reading 😙

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