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Josephine's POV

I wake up in the middle of the night to feel Grayson's arms wrapped around me.

Wtf, what happened to the pillow I put there.

I could tell he was sound asleep by the way he was snoring. I tried to wiggle his arms off of me but that didn't work. He only held onto me even tighter, and I could feel his whole body against mine. He was spooning me.

Damn, I could feel his member on my ass and I can tell you it's not small.

I shake off my dirty thoughts and fall back asleep.


"Josephine, wakey wakey" Grayson whispers in my ear.

"It's too early. I'm tired" I pout and get out of bed.

He just laughs at me, and we get ready for our flight.

Grayson is carrying our luggage outside to the Uber, and I make sure all the windows and doors are locked.

We arrive at the airport, and our plane was getting ready to board. We find our seats. I sit in the middle while Grayson sits by the window.

The whole plane ride is a blur because I knocked out once I sat down in my seat.


I open my eyes only to notice I was sleeping on Grayson.

"You're awake. We're about to land" he looks down at me.

"Sorry" I get off of him.

"Don't be" he puts his hand on top of mine and squeezes it.

I look away because I didn't want him to see me blush.


We gather our luggage from baggage claim and wait for Grayson's parents to pick us up.

I hear a car honking and look up to see a man and woman waving at us like a maniac. I'm assuming they're his parents.

They pull up next to us, and his mom jumps out and engulfs me into a hug.

"Hi, I'm Lisa and this is Sean, but you can call us mom and dad!" She hugs me again and squeals.

"Don't mind her. She's just happy to see Grayson finally settling down" Sean tells me.

"Hi, I'm Josephine" I introduce myself.

We load up the car and drive back to their house.

We arrive at a mansion, and I couldn't even believe it. I mean my parents house wasn't small but not this big.

"You have a lovely home" I say while walking into through the front door.

"Why thank you, Grayson will show you guys your room" Lisa disappears into the kitchen.

I follow Grayson up the stairs admiring the house decor and colors. His parents must be really rich to own a home like this.

"My brother should be here soon" he puts the luggage down.

"So you only have one sibling, a twin brother right?" I sit on the bed.

"Yes, my brother's name is Ethan" he sits down next to me.

(Yes I know they have a sister in real life but in here they don't)

"You got it easy. I have no siblings for you to impress" I laugh and playfully slap his back.

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