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Josephine's POV

"Wait, what?" I say frazzle.

"Your baby is healthy" he speaks.

"I-I I'm pregnant?" I whisper.

My eyes fill with tears as I cover my mouth with my hands.

"You're actually about to be three months pregnant" he smiles.

Grayson engulfs me in a hug, and we cry in each other's arms.

"I can't believe you're pregnant. I love you so much" Grayson cries in my ear.

"I love you too" I whisper back.

We stay in this position for a while.

I can't believe I'm pregnant.

Charlie comes up and hugs our legs.

"I can do an ultrasound on you right now if you'd like. You're far along enough to find out the sex of the baby" the doctor breaks the silence.

I look at Grayson to see if he wants to do it. (Not like that. Ya' nasty 😂)

He nods and smiles.

"Yes please" I agree.

The doctor leads us to a different room with an ultrasound machine.

Grayson and Charlie sit down in chairs beside the patient chair that I'm sitting in.

"I need you to lift up your shirt halfway, and we'll begin" the doctor takes a seat.

I lift up my shirt halfway, and Grayson holds my hand.

"It's going to be cold" the doctor puts the gel on my belly.

He uses the machine, and we immediately see a baby on the monitor.

"What's that?" Charlie says confused.

"That sir, is your baby brother or sister" the doctor answers.

"There's a baby in you?!" Charlie says amazed.

"Yes buddy, there's a baby in Josephine's belly" Grayson chuckles.

The doctor takes some pictures using the machine so we can take the pictures home later.

"Okay, are you guys ready?" The doctor asks excitedly.

Grayson, Charlie, and I nod our heads yes vigorously.

"You're having a girl!!!" He cheers.

Grayson kisses me, and we cry tears of joy.

"Yay! Now baby Josephine will have a best friend" Charlie says while clapping his hands.

Grayson and I wipe our tears and give Charlie kisses all over his face.

"We love you, you know that" I smile at Charlie.

"I know. I love you guys too" Charlie kisses me and Grayson on the cheek.


"Goodnight buddy" Grayson tucks Charlie in his bed.

We just got back from the hospital.

"Sooo, when do you want to tell everyone that we're pregnant?" I ask Grayson.

"Tomorrow, we can have brunch with Ethan and Sierra" Grayson speaks.

"We can call our crazy mothers on the phone tomorrow too" I lay down in bed.

"I can't wait" Grayson says while laying down besides me.

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