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Josephine's POV

The past 9 months have been the best time of my life. Once I left for Milan Grayson hasn't called me. I tried reaching him, but I got nothing.

I guess he doesn't miss me.

Other than that, the only people that have been calling me were my mom and Mrs. Dolan. They have been nagging me about the wedding, and I've been lying to them saying I already have everything planned out.

I stayed in a cozy house with a beach for a backyard. I've made new friends there but no boys. Taking pictures for Vogue in Milan has been a pleasure, and I'm blessed to have been chosen for the job out of 900 people.

Today's the day I go back home. It's New Years Eve, and I should be arriving just in time to celebrate the holiday.


Grayson's POV

Every since she left I told myself I wouldn't call her, but she would call everyday and I'd ignore it.

I've been working over-time and found myself a new hobby, golf (LOL because he sucks at golf. He broke the damn light for goodness sake 😂😂😂) to get my mind from thinking about her.

I've done nothing since she left. I just kept myself busy.

Today is the day she returns. Her mother informed me about her plane info. I want to be the one to pick her up from the airport and celebrate New Years Eve with her.

I drove to the airport and wait in the baggage claim.

Josephine's POV

I'm walking towards baggage claim looking for my luggage when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Grayson.

"Hey there stranger" I engulf him into a hug.

"Hey Josephine, here let me help you" he takes some of my luggage.

"Thank you, I've missed you Grayson" I gather the last few of my luggage, and we make our way home.

Grayson's POV

She missed me?

She is still wearing her engagement ring. I guess that means something.


Josephine's POV

I quickly unpack ALL of my clothes and found my souvenir I got Grayson.

"Hey Gray, can you come here" I shout from in the room.

"Coming" he comes flying through the door.

"I got you something from Italy" I hold up a tiny Keychain with his name in the colors green, white, and red.

"For me? You didn't have to. Thank you Josephine" he admires the gift.

"No problem" I giggle.

"So they're having a New Years Eve party at work. You up for it or do you want to stay in since you just got off a plane?" He looks up from his gift.

"We can go. Let me get ready" I look through my clothes for an outfit.


I get welcomed back by everyone, and we all made small talk about my trip. Lexi spots me and runs up to me.

"Hey! Oh my gosh! When did you get engaged!?" She examines my ring.

I forgot, no one at work knows I'm engaged to Grayson. I left for my trip before anyone could see my ring or me.

"Last April" I tell her.

"Who's the lucky guy" she squeals.

"Grayson Dolan" I nod.

"The hot guy that works next to you?! The one with tone abs, big round ass, tall figure, and killer jawline Grayson Dolan!?" She yells.

"Yes" I laugh at her description.

"Wow, you guys make a wonderful couple. A hot ass couple! Damn." She claps her hands.

"So are you talking to anyone" I ask her.

"Actually, yes. His name is Marco. He's such a loveable man. I want you to meet him!" She drags me to Marco.

Marco and Grayson are standing at a tiny table talking. (Alliteration 😂)

"Hey babe, this is Josephine. I see that you've met her fiancé already" Lexi points to Grayson.

"Nice to meet you Josephine, wow. You and Grayson are getting married" Marco sounds happy.

"Yes we are" Grayson wraps his arms around me.

I couldn't help but get goosebumps from him.

"It's about to be midnight" Lexi shrieks.

"Lets count down" Marco yells.











"HAPPY NEW YEARS!!" Everyone screams.

Confetti is thrown everywhere, and everyone is cheering. People are grabbing their significant other and doing the 'New Year Kiss'.

"Kiss your girl man" Marco nudges Grayson.

Grayson looks at me and places one hand behind my lower back pulling me closer to him. I'm lost in the moment.

His lips are against mine, and he kisses me harshly but with sweetness at the same time. I pull away breathless and flustered.

The way he makes me feel every time he kisses me leaves me confused. He keeps making me feel something for him, but I can't. I have to control my feelings.

I only have a few more months left of this pact.

Author's Note:
It's my birthday bitchess 🎂 🎁🎈LOL

Have an amazing day, get some sleep! I sure as hell need some sleep right now


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