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⚠ Three More Chapters Left ⚠

Josephine's POV

*skip 5 months*

I'm now just reaching 8 months in my pregnancy. My back is starting to kill me because my belly is starting to rapidly grow.

It's the beginner of December now which means Christmas is approaching.

Charlie is halfway through first grade, and his winter break is coming up soon.

"Hey Gray, we should go pick out a tree" I nudge him to wake up.

"Okay, let me get ready" he gets up and kisses my belly.

I wobble over to Charlie's room.

"Hey Charlie, we're going to pick out a tree for Christmas. Let's get you ready" I look through his closet.

"Josephine..." Charlie whispers.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I sit next to him on his bed.

"I just want to tell you how much I love you" he giggles.

"My goodness Charlie, you scared me" I hug him.

"Sowiee" he continues to laugh.


I unbuckle Charlie's seat belt and help him out of the car.

It's still hot in California, so it doesn't really feel like Christmas without the snow to me.

"Let's start walking around and examine all the trees first" Charlie suggests.

I've never used a real tree for Christmas, but Grayson says that we have to do it because fake trees are boring.

Grayson use to pick out a tree for Christmas every year with his family when he was younger, so he wants to continue on this tradition.

"Do you want a big tree or a small tree?" Grayson asks Charlie.

"BIG BIG BIG" Charlie chants.

"Okay, but not too big or else it won't fit in the house" I add on.

We walk down the pathway examining all the trees. I see parents everywhere with their kids.

I'm so blessed to have Grayson, Charlie, and my baby girl.

Grayson and Charlie are running around trying to take a quick glance at all the trees before someone else picks them.

I'm just wobbling trying to catch up with them.

"Hey, not too fast!" I yell out of breath.

"Sowiee" Charlie runs back to me and holds my hand.

He's so precious.


We walk around for another ten minutes when Charlie drastically stops in the middle of the pathway.

"I want that one"  he jumps up and down.

Grayson and I look at the tree in front of us and are shocked at his choice.

It's a tiny green tree no bigger than 3 feet.

"You want that one buddy?" Grayson asks again to make sure.

"Yes please" he smiles at us.

"Okay, we'll get that one" I tell him.

Grayson goes to get a worker while Charlie and I sit down on a bench and wait.

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