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Josephine's POV

I lay in bed staring at the dimmed ceiling. The moonlight peeking through the curtains.

I can't fall asleep; anxiety is eating me alive. I can feel myself worry. I can feel my heart beat racing.

Grayson's sound asleep next to me. I can tell by the way he's snoring and how he's sleeping with his mouth slightly open.

I just hope tomorrow's news won't be what I think it is.


Grayson's alarm goes off startling me.

"Good morning, Josephine" he says in his groggy morning voice.

"Hey" I kiss his cheek.

"Did you even sleep at all lastnight?" He says concern.

"Nopeee. I couldn't fall asleep" I sigh.

"Everything will be alright" he reassures me.


"You ready?" Grayson squeezes my hand.

I nod my head and squeeze his hand in return. We continue walking and walk through the sliding doors of the hospital.

Dr. Brinde greets us and leads us to a room.

"I have some results from your blood work you had done yesterday. There's good news and bad news. Which one would you like first" Dr. Brinde looks up from the papers in his hand.

"Bad news first please" I insist.

"You have an infection on your ovaries" he states.

"So no cancer??' I say hopefull.

"Correct. You'll just be perscribed antibiotics to fight the infection, so you're all good. No cancer." He smiles.

Thank God.

I feel all my anxiety rest. A weight is lifted off my shoulder.

Gray hugs me as a few happy tears slip from my eyes.

"I told you not to worry" he chuckles.

"Here's your medication, take one everyday for one whole month" Dr. Brinde hands me my medication.

"Thank you so much" I shake his hand.


When we get home, I call everyone letting them know that the cancer is not back.

"Sooo, did you take your medication yet" Grayson asks.

"No, I forgot" I walk to the kitchen and take my medicine.

Knock knock

"I'll get it" I tell Grayson.

I walk to the door and open it.

I see a police man with a piece of paper and Charlie.

(Who remembers Charlie???)

"Hey Charlie, officer" I nod my head.

"I'm looking for a Josephine Grazino and Grayson Dolan" the officer states.

"I'm Josephine Grazino, and this is Grayson Dolan" I point to Grayson who is now standing behind me.

"I'm officer Taylor, and I'm here with Charlie. I'm sure you're familiar with him. I'm here to drop him off. His parents were recently killed in an armed robbery situation and left it in their will that Charlie be left with the two of you" he hands over the legal paperwork.

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