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⚠Two More Chapters Left⚠

Josephine's POV

"Ready to go take pictures with Santa" I fix Charlie's tie.

"Yeah, but Santa scares me" Charlie pouts.

"No need to worry buddy. Santa is a very nice fella" Grayson ties Charlie's shoe laces.

"Okay, if you say so. I'm just happy baby Josephine, Uncle Ethan, and Auntie Sierra are coming" Charlie smiles.


"So are we taking Charlie home with us after this?" Sierra asks.

"Yeah, the baby class starts right after we finish with these Santa pictures" I say while looking at Grayson giving Charlie a piggy back ride.

We all wait in line together. I made Charlie wear a red sweater with khaki pants. Baby Josephine is wearing a red and white dress. They look adorable.

I can't wait until my baby girl is here.

"Can I have some candy after this?" Charlie tugs on my arm.

I see him pointing to a candy shop right next to the Santa Workshop.

"After you take pictures with Santa" I smile.

We're next in line. Sierra and I are making our kids take these pictures together.

Charlie sits on the right side of Santa's lap while Santa is holding baby Josephine with his left arm.

Charlie looks like he's about to cry from fear, so I see Grayson and Ethan jog up to Charlie.

I can't hear what they're saying to him, but I see the fear in Charlie's eyes fade. He smiles at the camera and says "cheeseeee".

My heart just exploded.

A bright light flashes, and the picture is taken.

"What did you say to him?" I ask Grayson.

"I asked him what does a mouse eat" Grayson laughs.

I just lightly roll my eyes at him.

I walk up to the counter and pay for our photo. I take a look at the photo and immediately smile. My sweet boy is so cute.

"I took my picture with Santa. Can we go to the candy shop pleaseeee" Charlie looks up at me.

"Your Uncle Ethan can take you buddy. Your mommy and I have to attend a baby class" Grayson says while rubbing my belly.

"We better get going before we're late" I tell Grayson.

Ethan and Sierra come to get Charlie from us, and I see them walk to the candy shop together.


"Welcome to the baby 101 class" the instructor welcomes us.

There's about five other couples here with us.

"Let's start with the way to breathe during labor. You want to slowly inhale through your nose and exhale out of your mouth when you feel a contraction" the instructor demonstrates.

We all begin to mimic her breathing.

"Good job class. I want to talk about the basic ways to care of your baby like trimming their fingernails, burping, and changing diapers" the instructor stands up.

"You want to cut your baby's fingernails at least every other day. You want to make sure that they are always cut short, so your baby won't scratch themselves" she gives everyone a free baby nail clipper.

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