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Grayson's POV

No this can't be happening. Josephine is in the ambulance on her way to the hospital.

She has to be okay.
She has to be.
I can't lose her.
She's everything to me.


I arrive at the hospital, and Josephine is still unconscious. They're allowing us to visit her, and it's my turn.

I walk into her room noticing all the IV lines attach to her. I sit in a chair next to her and hold her hand.

"Please wake up soon Josephine, plea-" I see Josephine opening her eyes.

"You're awake" I rush to hug her.

"Hey Gray" she smiles weakly.

"I'll go get the doctor, and I'll let everyone know you're awake" I kiss her cheek and leave.

Josephine's POV

Im trying to collect my thoughts when everyone rushes through the door.

"Ohh honey" my mom sits down on my bed.

"Hey guys" I sit up.

"Hello, I'm doctor Brinde. Im sorry, but I have some unfortunate news for you Miss Josephine. Would you like everyone to leave before I tell you" he asks.

"No its fine. They'll find out eventually" I try to remain calm.

What could it be?

"You have ovarian cancer" he breaths.

I stay in shock.

Me with cancer?!

No, it can't be!

I begin to cry while everyone is trying to comfort me.

"Hey hey hey, don't cry" Grayson is by my side, wiping away my tears.

"But there's good news, we found it early! You will need chemotherapy everyday until we can fight it all off" doctor Brinde smiles reassuringly.

"When will she start chemotherapy" my mother asks.

"Tomorrow morning at 9" he exits the room.

"I'm so sorry honey" my parents hug me.

"We'll get you all the help you need" Sean and Lisa add.

"We'll beat this" Sierra and Ethan nod.

I wipe all my tears away and excuse myself to the bathroom.

I splash water on my face and stare at myself in the mirror.

Does that mean I won't be able to have children?


Grayson insists that he should spend the night with me at the hospital, so he slept on the pull out chair.

"Our parents are coming down right now to say goodbye before their trip back home" Grayson informs me.

Right after he had finish his sentence, our parents walk in.

"We're leaving now, take good care of my baby" she points at Grayson and then hugs me.

"Don't worry, I will" Grayson reassures her.

We say our goodbyes and then they're off.


Doctor Brinde comes in with a nurse an hour after our parents left.

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