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Josephine's POV

"Get up, it's time to party one last time as a single woman!!" Sierra jumps on my bed.

Who the hell let her in?

Grayson and I are taking our evening nap together, and Sierra is ruining it.

I glance besides me and see Grayson covering his head with his pillow.

"Who let you in?" I groan.

"Charlie" she says in a duhh tone.

I already had a talk to him about opening the front door.

I get up and use the bathroom. I walk back into the room finding Charlie, Ethan, Sierra, and Grayson sitting on the bed chatting with each other.

"Hello everyone " I walk up to Grayson and kiss him.

"Yuck" Charlie squeals.

He still believes in cooties.

"Charlie, why'd you open the front door for? You know that you're not allow to open it for anyone" I say sternly.

"I know, but Ethan said he'd give me 20 dollars if I opened the door for him" Charlie holds up a 20 dollar bill.

"Really?!" I get up and smack Ethan's arm.

"Oww" he rubs his arm.

"Don't do that again! Now he'll think it's okay to do things for others if they bribe him" I look over at Charlie.

"Don't open the door again, not even for a bribe or even if you know them. Just come get me or Grayson to open the door" I tell Charlie.

"Now go get ready Charlie. We'll all be out in a minute" Sierra leads Charlie out the room.

"You guys thought we wouldn't throw you guys a bachelor and Bachelorette party" Ethan and Sierra smirk.

"Well obviously. Plus, who's going to watch Charlie?" I motion my arm to the door.

"My sister. She's at our house visiting, so Charlie will be taken care of. No worries" Sierra answers.

"Ughh, do we have to go" I whine.

"Yesss. Now get dressed, plus, you and Grayson aren't suppose to be with eachother the night before the wedding anyways" Sierra looks through my clothes.

"We're going to have so much fun tonight man" Ethan pats Grayson's back.

"But not too much fun, I will cut your dick off if you try some shit with a stripper. I am the mother of your child" Sierra shoots Ethan an evil stare.

The room falls to an awkward silence.

"Sorry, hormones. I didn't mean it to sound that harsh" she chuckles.

"Josephine, did the school email you?" Grayson asks.

"No, why?" I look up at him.

"They said that Bobby has chronic diarrhea, and they are contacting everyone's parents to see if anyone else has it" Grayson shows me the email.

I just chuckle and shake my head.

"Nooooo. No. No. Noooo. You did not do that did you?  You're bad" he laughs and shakes his head at me.

"You did that?!" Sierra gasps.

I explain to her about how Charlie broke his arm and how Bobby was behind all of it.

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