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Josephine's POV

Grayson and I are working on a project together at Vogue, but it's nothing big.

"So what do you want to do for the St. Patrick's day article" I ask Grayson.

"Why are we doing that when today's St. Patrick's day?" He asks.

"Okay, let's just do nothing today then" I suggest.

"So who's going to be your maid of honor?" Grayson questions me.

I never thought about that.

"Im going to ask Sierra. Who's your best man? Ethan?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I already asked him the other day at their new place" he takes a seat next to me.

Damn, I need to ask Sierra soon.


"Hey, can you help me take off this ring please" I point to the ring Lexi gave me.

"Sure babe" Grayson walks over to me.

He grabs ahold of the ring and tries pulling it off, but it won't budge.

"Soap and water" he chimes.

He carries me to the kitchen and applies soap while running the water.

With a few minutes of struggling he manages to pull the ring off, but the ring falls into the sink going down the pipe.

"Dammit Grayson, that was a gift from Lexi" my voice is full of anxiety.

"I'm sorry" he apologies.

"No, it's fine" I hug him.

"Wait, why was it stuck on your finger in the first place?" He says concern.

"I don't know. It just got stuck?" I shrug my shoulders.

"Wait Josephine, what are the signs Dr. Brinde told you to look for again?" Grayson runs around the room panicking.

He's searching for the piece of paper with the list of signs.

I run to the room and grab the piece of paper on the nightstand.

Weight gain:
The dress on Lexi's wedding day.

Swollen fingers:
The maid of honor ring.

Abnormal headaches:
The headache I had yesterday morning.

I puked yesterday morning.

Shortness of breath:
I had a hard time breathing when I was lifting boxes.

Oh my gosh, noo. No. No. No.

I sit on the floor and bawl my eyes out.

Grayson runs to the room and sits down besides me. He pulls me into his chest, and I cry uncontrollably.

"I-I think it's back" I cry out.

Grayson hushes me and rubs my back in circular motions. He tries to keep me calm; he tries to comfort me.

"It's only been a little over a week Gray" I whisper in disbelief.

"Hey, don't cry. I'll go call Dr. Brinde and tell him he'll be expecting us" he kisses my forehead before getting up.

I lay down on the floor and just feel like my world is crashing down all over again.


Grayson and I rush to the hospital to see Dr. Brinde.

"Hello, can you page Dr. Brinde for us please" Grayson asks the nurse.

She calls Dr. Brinde down, and Grayson and I see him walking down the hall.

"Hello Grayson, Josephine" he shakes our hands.

"It's back" I burst out.

"What's back? The cancer?" He asks.

I feel the tears streaming down my face. All I could do is nod.

"What makes you think that?" He sincerely asks.

I explain to him everything that's been going on with me.

"Let's go run some blood work" he leads me and Grayson to a room.

Dr. Brinde calls in a nurse to draw blood from me.

"We can't give you back any answers today. The earliest we can get the results are tomorrow" Dr. Brinde returns into the room.

"Thank you" I shake his hand.


"So what now" I plop back on the couch.

"We wait. But in the meantime, what do you want to do today?" Grayson lays on top of me again.

"Let's just nap for now" I run my hands up and down his back.

He snuggles his head into my neck, and his breathing slows down.


Knock knock

"Gray, get off me. Someone's at the door" I shove him.

"I'll get it" he mumbles while standing up.

I hear whispering and footsteps approaching me. I glance up and see Sierra and Ethan.

"Grayson told us. We wanted to stop by and see how you're doing" Sierra helps me up.

I hug her and try my best not to cry. She's such an amazing friend to me.

"Thank you for coming" I break apart from the hug.

"Let's go get something to eat, okay?" She speaks softly.


Grayson and Ethan are at the bar while Sierra and I are sitting down at a table.

"So Sierra there's something I want to ask you" I look at her.

"Will you be my maid of honor?" I ask.

"Oh my gosh, YESS!! I was wondering what took you so long to ask" she jumps up from her seat and embraces me into a hug.

"How'd you know I was going to ask you anyways" I say teasingly.

"Cause you love meee" she sings.

Author's Note:
I just slept for 12 hours! I've been so exhausted lately.

What's the longest you've ever slept before?

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Until next time my loves 💋


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