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Josephine's POV

Grayson and I have been having 'fun' lately, maybe too much.

It's fashion week, the same week as valentine's day. Work is hectic with all of us having to work over time and being at fashion shows taking pictures.

"Hey Josephine, you ready for the fashion show? The car's here" Lexi walks in my working area.

"Let's gooo" I grab my camera.


Models, hairstylists, and make up artists are everywhere. The smell of hairspray and perfume fills the building.

"Magazine name please" a worker asks us.

"Vogue" Lexi and I say in unison.

"This way to your seat" she leads us to the front.

We sit down and begin adjusting our cameras. The show begins, and I start taking photos of the collection.

"We have a special guest to end the night" a voice calls out of the microphone.

Lights turn off for a second and come back on. I can't believe my eyes.

"Sierra?!" I gasp.

"Who's Sierra?" Lexi asks.

"Grayson's sister-in-law. I didn't know she models" I raise my eyebrow.

I have to tell Grayson about my day later.


Lexi and I get in the car after the show is done and decide on sushi for lunch.

"Sooo, what are you and Grayson doing for Valentine's day" Lexi stuffs her face with California rolls.

I haven't even thought about Valentine's day. Why would Grayson and I do something for Valentine's day?

"I forgot about Valentine's day to be honest, but we're doing nothing" I sip on my water.

"Boring! Marco and I are going to Mexico for the weekend" she squeals.

"Lucky gal!" I chuck my chopstick at her.


We get back to our work place, Vogue, and I start to send the pictures to our magazine editors.

I haven't seen Grayson this whole day since he is on another floor taking pictures there.


The day ends, and I can finally clock out. I meet Grayson on the main floor, so we can go home together. We car pool, ya ' know, since we live together.

"Finally" I grab his arm.

"What's up with you" he chuckles.

"I have something to tell you. I saw Sierra modeling today at the fashion show I went to" I open the car door.

"Sierra, like Ethan's Sierra?" He starts the car.

"Nooo" I roll my eyes.

"I didn't know she models. Wait, so that means that they're in town?!" He glances at me.

"I guess. I don't know. I didn't see Ethan there" I say.

"Hopefully they're leaving today. I do not want to see them" he emphasis on the word not.

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