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Josephine's POV

Today's Lexi's wedding! Grayson and I are rushing to get ready for the day ahead of us.

We are running last minute errands because we are the maid of honor and best man.

I have to make sure everything is getting set up correctly at the church and the reception room.

Everything is coming together. Now I just have to get ready.

Lexi hired someone to do our make up, so I just got to sit in a chair and relax.


"All done miss" the young make up artist steps back to admire her work.

I thank her for doing my make up and go to check on Lexi.

"Hey there! You excited?!" I squeal.

"Hell yes! I'm getting married! I'm just so happy Josephine. I can't wait until you and Grayson get married! Then you'll know how I'm feeling right now" she says all dreamy.

"Well everything is all set up and ready to go. All we have to do now is get dressed" I hold up her dress in my hands.

I help Lexi into her princess dress, and it was not easy. We had to ask the make up artist for help along with Lexi's mother.

"You look so beautiful " I place her veil on her.

"You've done so much for me Josephine, thank you. Now go get dressed!" She shooed me away.

I try to put on my long creme mermaid satin dress but needed some help. I call Lexi over, and she can hardly zip the dress up.

I can barely breathe in this dress, but I will manage. I stand in front of the mirror and admire myself. Even though I barely have any hair, I still looked beautiful.

"Oh Josephine, before we go I have a little gift for you" Lexi interrupts my thoughts.

I open the tiny box and inside is a ring with "maid of honor" engraved on it.

"Oh wow, thank you so much" I hug her.

I place the ring on my index finger, but it doesn't go down all the way. I try the other fingers, but it only fits my pinky.

"What size is the ring?" I ask.

"It's a 6, why?" she questions while her mom places on her shoes for her.

"Ohh nothing, just wondering" I stare at my hands.


The ceremony is about start, so we have to start lining up. I'm walking to the lobby area and spot Grayson.

My oh my does he look so handsome in a suit and tie.

"Hey there, you ready?" I tap on his shoulder.

He just keeps on staring at me.

"Helllooo" I wave my hand infront of his face.

"Ohh, uhh yeah" he props his arm out for me to loop my arm around.

We begin walking down the aisle arm in arm.


Lexi and Marco's ceremony vows were touching. I had to keep giving Lexi tissues through the whole ceremony.

Now it's time for the reception, meaning we get to eat!

We have to wait for the dj to introduce us to the crowd. Once he does we're all seated and the party begins.

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