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Josephine's POV

I hear Grayson snoring. It is currently 9 in the morning, and we had to spend the day with my parents.

"Grayson, wake up. We have to meet my parents in an hour" I shake him gently.

We get ready in 30 minutes and have a quick breakfast downstairs with his family.


"You ready" he asks me once we are parked outside of my parents house.

"Why are you asking me that" I question him.

"You seem nervous. Plus, I already know your parents will like me so I'm not worried at all" he unbuckles his seatbelt.

I just ignore him because I was actually very nervous. My moms been nagging me about when will I get married and here I am bringing in my "fiancé" to meet them. Who wouldn't be nervous.

I knock on the door, and it opens revealing my overjoyed mom.

"Honey, welcome home! Ohh my, he sure is handsome!" she hugs Grayson before me.

"I'm Grayson" he shakes my dads hand.

"You can call me Ryan and my wife Macy" my dad lets us in and leads us to the living room.

"So, Grayson. How'd did you and my daughter meet" my mom questions him.

"We both work as photographers for Vogue" he smiles.

"Can I see the ring" my mom reaches for my hand.

"It's beautiful, whats the story" she chimes.

"I took her to a restaurant, Blue Mountain's, and asked her to marry me in front of everyone" he looks at me.

"My man" my dad pats him on the back.

" So what are we doing today" I change the subject.

"I wanted to go to that new astronomy museum" my weird mother replies.

I give her the wtf look

Before I could complain and disagree, Grayson already agreed to it.


We pay for out tickets and start our tour. The place was full of facts about stars and the moon. They displayed little samples of the solar system.

"I'm bored. Why'd you agree to this" I punch Grayson in the arm.

"Ouch! I had to impress your mom, duh" he rubs his arm where I punched him.

We continued the boring tour, and I almost fell sleep when they took us to the theater room. They are making us watch a 45 minute documentary about why we have seasons.

I was complaining about how hungry I was, so my mom said we could go find a place to eat. I picked a restaurant The Seed. It's known for their fries, so I had to go.


Halfway into eating I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around only to meet eyes with Griffin, my ex.

"You're in town!?" he sounds excited.

"Yeah" I say blankly.

Griffin and I dated for 2 years. When our 2 year anniversary was approaching, he kept talking about marriage and kids so I ended it with him. I know I don't want to get married because I was content with myself, and I knew that's what he wanted. The next week I moved to California and haven't talked to him since.

"Who's this" he points to Grayson.

"I'm her fiancé" he holds his hand out for Griffin to shake but he denies.

"Wow" Griffin scoffs and walks away.

"Don't mind him" my mom tells Grayson.


We say our goodbyes and part ways, and it's safe to say that my parents LOVE Grayson.

Grayson starts driving when he asks me about Griffin.

"So, who's Griffin" he asks.

"No one" I reply.

"Ohh come on. He's not a no one. He's some one important" he glances at me.

"We dated for 2 years, but I ended it with him once I realized he wanted to marry me" I say annoyed at the memory.

Grayson just nods and continues to drive back to his parents house.


When we got to his parents house Ethan and Sierra were over, again. Grayson groans while closing the door behind us.

"You guys are back" Sierra claps.

"Were you guys waiting for us" I asked. It's already 10.

"We wanted to take you guys over to our home" Sierra chirps.

I look at Grayson to see if he wants to go see their home, and he looks at me with a "please say no" look.

"Well come on" Sierra drags us to the cars with Ethan trailing behind.

She didn't even give a chance to say no.


We arrived to their house or should I say castle.

Ahhh, now I see why she was so adamant to get us here.

We all started to get out of our own cars and make our way to the front door. I could tell Grayson seemed a little tense.

"Here's the entry way. We have 12 bedrooms and 18 bathrooms" Sierra walks around snapping her fingers.

A person comes out of nowhere and brings us drinks and asks us if we want anything to eat. I declined, and Sierra continues giving us a tour of her and Ethan's home.

"This is the theater room. We don't use it. But when we have kids, I'm sure they will" she winks at Ethan.

The tour took 2 hours,and I was exhausted. It was midnight already, and Sierra just brought us here to brag about how rich Ethan was. Yes, Ethan made the money. She just went shopping everyday.

"Let me show you our cars" Ethan leads us to our last destination, the garage.

He had a Bentley, Lamborghini, BMW, Mercedes, Range Rover, and a Jeep.

"These are my babies" he lightly runs the hood of the BMW.

"Cool" Grayson says through gritted teeth.

I can tell he was agitated, so I reached for his hand and looked at him. I wanted him to know that I'm here and to calm down because it's okay.

He looked at me surprised by my jester and squeezes my hand in return.

"I think we should get going. It's late" I yawn.

"Definitely, we'll see you guys tomorrow" Ethan waves goodbye.


We were sitting in the car in silence, and Grayson was driving with his jaw clenched.

"Hey, what's the matter" I place my hand on his shoulder since he was driving.

"They always do that. They like to remind me how much of a failure I am and that they're better" he whispers.

"Hey, don't say that. You're living your life, and you're happy so don't mind them" I smile at him.

Grayson's POV

She knows how to make me feel better. I can't help but feel something for her, but I have to surpass these feelings for her. This thing will all be over soon.

Author's Note:
I should be writing my essay for English class but here I am on Wattpad 😂


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