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Josephine's POV

The past two weeks have been peaceful with Charlie around. He lightens up the mood and brings a smile on everyone's face.

We put him in Kindergarten to finish off the rest of the school year, but he's been having some issues lately.

"Charlie, how'd you break your arm" I sit him down at the kitchen table.

Grayson and I just got back from taking Charlie to the doctors. Charlie had to get a cast because he "accidentally" broke his arm.


"I told you it was an accident" his eyes fills with worry.

"Come on buddy, it's okay. Just tell us what happened" Grayson reassures him.

The doctor told us that the way his arm was broken had to be inflicted by someone else.

"I can't" he jerks his head away.

"Yes you can. Tell us what happened. We can help you" I hug him.

"Bobby broke my arm. He said if I didn't give him my lunch then I'll be sorry. You made me my favorite, pasta salad, and I didn't want to give it to him" Charlie cries.

Oh hell no, no child of mine is going to be bullied.

Did I just call him my child?

I guess this little boy is slowly opening up my heart.

"I'm going to make you a special lunch tomorrow, and I want you to give it to Bobby. He won't bother you after that. I know it" I tell him.

"Now go get ready, we're going to the airport to pick up Grayson's mom and dad and mine too" I shoo him away.

My parents and Grayson's parents are coming to town for a day. They want to make sure we have everything we need for the wedding next week.

"What are you going to do Josephine" Grayson asks me.

"Oh don't worry. I'm not going to beat up a little six-year-old Gray. I'm just going to make sure Bobby leaves Charlie alone" I smirk.

"Charlie, you ready to go?" I zip up his jacket.

"Yesss Josephine" he giggles.

I have not inform our parents about our situation with Charlie yet. I wonder how they'll react.


"Hey honey!!" My mom rushes towards me.

"Hey mom, dad" I hug them both.

Everyone exchanges greetings while Charlie stands behind me.

"Who's this" my mom draws everyone's attention to Charlie.

"Hi, I'm Charlie" Charlie peeks his head out from behind me.

"Well hello Charlie, you can call me Macy. This is Ryan, my husband. We're Josephine's parents" my mom smiles.

"And you can call me Lisa. This is my husband Sean. We're Grayson's parents" Lisa points to Grayson.

"Well now that you all have met, we should all get going" I chime in.


The men and Charlie are out exploring while the ladies are doing wedding errands.

"So who exactly is Charlie?" My mom questions me.

I explain to them both about what happened to Charlie's parents, and how Grayson and I are his legal guardians.

"So he's basically your kid now? Oh my gosh, I'm a grandma!!" My mom squeals.

"I guess, but don't label yourself as his grandma mom. He grew up with his real parents and stuff, so let's just stick with our names to him, okay" I tell her.

"Alright" she sighs.

"Let's just set up the ceremony and reception, so we can go back home" I continue decorating the chairs.


We finally finished the final touches for the ceremony and reception. Now all we have to do is wait for the big day next week.

"Let's go back home now" I lead my mom and Lisa to the car.

We have to make dinner for us to eat tonight because Grayson's parents and my parents don't want to go out tonight before their flight back home.

"What in the world" Lisa speaks.

We walk through the front door and see a table full of food. Did Grayson, Sean, Charlie, and my dad cook this?

"We cooked it ourselves" Grayson walks to the front door.

"Ahah, you're funny" I say.

"No, really. We had a chef come in and teach us. Go ask Charlie if you don't believe me" Grayson points to Charlie.

"It's true! A man came in and taught us how to make tacos and pizza" Charlie jumps off from the kitchen counter.

"Hey there, be careful. You already have a broken arm. We don't need you breaking a leg too" I point my finger at him and slightly laugh. I can never be serious.

We all begin eating, and I must say the cooking lesson was worth it.

"This is delicious! If you cooked this every night, I'll make sure to give you dessert" my mom wiggles her eyebrows at my dad.

"Mom!" I glare at her.

Ohh my gosh. She's so disgusting, I swear.

"Ooo, I want dessert Macy" Charlie jumps out of his seat.

"Oh honey, it's not the dessert you're thinking about" my mom laughs.

"Mom, help me clear the table with ya" I stand up.


"Goodbye Charlie, take care" both of our parents hug Charlie goodbye.

"Bye guys, see you all next week" Grayson closes the front door.

We tuck Charlie into bed since its a school night for him.

"Goodnight Josephine. Goodnight Grayson" Charlie yawns.

"Sleep tight buddy" Grayson kisses Charlie's head.


"Now, remember to give Bobby your lunch today. Do not eat anything in your lunch box, okay? Here's money for school lunch" I hand Charlie his lunch box.

"Okay Josephine, thank you" he kisses my cheek and runs to the bus stop.

Grayson and I watch him get in the bus.

"Josephine, what did you do to his lunch?" Grayson asks.

"Let's just say Bobby's best friend will be the bathroom for the rest of the night' I pat Grayson's back.

"You're sick ya' know?" He laughs.

"Hey, no one messes with our kid" I say sternly.

"Our kid... I like the sound of that" Grayson kisses me.

"Let's get going before we're late for work" I race him to the condo.

Author's Note:
I'm thinking about starting my next book soon. Who will want to read it?!




Well, it's going to be an Ethan book so be prepared my loves!

Don't be a 👻 reader! Vote, comment, follow, anything if you want to.

Until next time my loves 💋


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