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*Important Author's Note at the end*

Josephine's POV 

Grayson, Lexi, and I are working on a group project for the company today that Ethan wants us to do for next month's cover.

Lexi's going to take the pictures while Grayson and I are going to set up the background.

"So what theme do you guys want to do" I ask Grayson and lexi.


"How about an underwater fish theme!?" Lexi gets way too excited.

"Really?" I say shock.

"Awee come on Josephine, it's a good idea" Grayson agrees with Lexi.

"That's what you guys want to do for this photoshoot?" I ask making sure.

"Yess!" They squeal.

"Fineee" I give in.

I'm giving orders as to what we need while Lexi isn't listening and just snapping photos around the room.

"So you know what to get right" I look up at Grayson.

"Were you not listening" I raise an eyebrow.

"Nopeee, I was distracted. Sorry" he shrugs his shoulders.

"Well go get the stuff, Lexi and I will wait for you to get back" I hand him the list, and he leaves.

"Awe look at this picture" Lexi shows me the camera.

It's a picture of me and Gray. He's looking at me while I'm writing down the items we need.

He wasn't just looking at me. He was 'looking' at me. The way Charlie described it. Grayson looked like he is actually 'in love' with me, but I still don't believe it.


Ohh yeah, today's the day I go to the spa with Sierra. I don't really know what to wear or bring to go to a spa, so I just wear some leggings and a shirt.

I mean, don't you basically walk around naked in a robe?

I'm in the midst of changing when my phone rings revealing my mom's caller ID.

Ughh why


"Hey honey, I'm with Lisa"

Why must they always be together for?

"Hi Lisa"

"Hey Josephine, did you hear?! I'm going to be a grandma!"

"So I've heard"

"Yeah, I wish I could say the same thing too honey"

"She's upset that I'm going to be a grandma while she's not. So-"

"I have to go byeee"

"Josephine don't ha-"

I ended the call.

They are insane!

I carry on (*Beyoncé voice* "Carry on" sorry 😂) with changing my clothes when Grayson barges through the door.

"Fuck, why must you always scare me Gray!" I throw one of my many shirts at him.

"Sorry, it's for you" he hands me his phone.


"Why did you hang up on us honey!?"

"Because I'm not going to sit here and listen to you nagging me about wanting to be a grandma, simply because Lisa is going to be one soon"

"Well it's not my fault. I just want a grandchild honey. You're my only kid Josephine, only you can provide me grandchildren"

"Well that's too bad for you. You're not going to get to be a grandma one day because news flash mom! I don't want kids!"

"Sure you do honey"

"No. I don't want to have kids mom. Bye"

I hang up the phone once again. Grayson is just staring at me.

"So you don't want kids" Gray reaches for his phone.

"If it happens then it happens. I'm not going to let my mom tell me what to do" I snarl.

Having Charlie stay with us for a day has made an impact on my thoughts about kids, but I won't let my mom dictate my womb.

He just sighs and leaves the room.

Gosh, I do need to go to the spa.


I meet Sierra at the spa, and we get in our robes.

"Wait, so I'm suppose to be naked under my robe right" I look at her confused.

"Ahah, yes. Have you been to a spa before?" she asks.

"Nopeee, but I'm glad I am today. I need it" we walk to the massage table.

We were about to lay down when I remembered something, "when do you stop laying on your stomach, like since you're pregnant".

"I actually don't know, but I don't have a bump right now so it's okay if I lay down" she gets on the table.

The massage was nice. I was told that I'm very tense, so she gave me a deep tissue massage and let's just say that was a bad idea. I'm so sore right now. My whole body is aching!

"Ohh my gosh, I didn't know I'd walk out of here in more pain than I already was" I whimper to Sierra.

"I thought you knew what a deep tissue massage was" she laughs.

"No, now I'm so sore! I'm in so much pain you bitch" I point my finger at her.

"Let's go get some food. That will cheer you up" she looks sympathetically at me.

"Wow, I guess you know me well" I laugh.

I'm glad we're getting along now. No more instigating bitch Sierra.


Sierra drops me home since we live next door to eachother. Grayson is on the couch yelling at the TV because he's watching some football game. I limp to the couch and sit down next to him.

"What's wrong with you? I thought you guys went to the spa" he looks at me confused.

"We did" I reply.

"Well, why are you limping? Because I know it's not from me" he smirks.

I'm still keeping myself sexualy restrained from Grayson.

"Ohh, I got a deep tissue massage, not knowing what a deep tissue massage was. Yeah, so now I'm sore and hurting" I rub my aching neck.

"Sorry babe, but I bet I know how to make you feel better" he lightly brushes his hand on my sides.

"Yeah, I don't think anything will help me. I'm just going to sleep it off. Goodnight Gray" I jump off the couch and head to bed.

Author's Note:
Something just came up (nothing bad, or serious I don't feel the need for details) and I won't be able to update for a little over a week.

I hope you can understand 💋

I will update again as soon as I can babes 😙

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