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Josephine's POV

The double date wasn't too bad, but I'll never hike up a trail again.

Grayson and I come home from work and the first thing I do is go to the kitchen. I grab pickles and dip them into peanut butter.

"Pickles and peanut butter?" Grayson fake barfs.

"Hey don't judge. It taste so good! I don't know what made me do this combination" I dip my pickle into the peanut butter.

"Well go get ready. I'm taking you out" he leaves the kitchen.

I sigh and change into something more comfortable.


"Okay, where are we going" I buckle up.

"Don't worry" he keeps his eyes on the road.


After a 20 minute car ride, we finally arrive at our destination.

The place is called Food Heaven.

I squeal getting out of the car and gallop to open the front door. I instantly smell bacon, and I know I'm already drooling.

"I guess someone's excited" Grayson catches up.

"You have no idea! I'm so hungry I can eat for two people" I scan for a table.

We're seated, and I can't decide what to order.

I think I want everything.

"So what are you getting" Grayson looks up from his menu.

"Uhh, I kinda want everything" I giggle.

"Alright, I'll let the waitress know" he motions for the waitress that we're ready to order.

"Hello, what can I get for you guys" she smiles.

"Can we have one of everything on the menu please" Grayson hands her the menus.

"Of course" she hesitates.

We have to wait an hour and a half for our food, but I can't complain. We did order the whole menu.


Our food comes back, and I dig in. I kept eating like crazy when I notice Grayson is just staring at me.

"Are you going to eat" I bite into a potato.

"Yeah, it's just you have something on your face" he chuckles.

Ohh no.

I grab a napkin and vigorously wipe my mouth.

"Is it gone now" I look up at him.

"No, it's right there. Next to your mouth" he points at my face.

I wipe my mouth again vigorously.

"All better?" I look at him with hope.

"Here, let me" he leans over the table.

His thumb slowly glides across the outside curve of my mouth and then he drags his thumb down to my bottom lip.

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