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Josephine's POV

Today Grayson and I are going to do some investigation on Charlie's aunt Molly Purt.

I bet her names Molly because that's what that bitch be poppin.

"Grayson, hurry up! I'm hungry" I whine.

Grayson is doing his hair right now, and I don't know why he's taking so long.

"Geez, I'm done. Now let's go get you some food miss grumpy" he kisses my cheek.


"So we have to go to the city hall and look up her name to find her address" I chew my hamburger.

"Then we'll scout her house and take pictures of her doing drugs" I shove some fries in my mouth.

"After that, we'll show our lawyer the pictures and get Charlie back" I sip on my drink and smile.

"What are you? A spy?" Grayson says amazed.

"No, I'm just a badass" I smirk.

"Nahhh, you just have a nice big ass" he says nonchalant.

Ohh my gosh. This boy, I swear.


"Hello, I'm looking for your address logs" I ask the clerk.

"They're all in that room over there" she points to a room with a red door.

I drag Grayson by his hand as if he is a kid.

"Go to where the P's are" I tell Grayson.

We head to the middle of the room where the P's begin. I search past different files until I find Molly's.

"Looks like she lives in your old apartment complex" Grayson says as he hovers over me.

I take a picture of the papers in her file. The papers gave us Molly's criminal history and personal information.

She's been accused for neglecting her foster kids, but the case was overruled due to lack of evidence.

The judges moved the kids to another foster home.

She probably used those foster kids as her income since she's not married.

That awful bitch.


"So do I take the pictures or are you doing that?" Grayson whispers.

"You take the pictures. You're the pro" I whisper back.

We got lucky that her apartment is on the ground level or else I don't know how we would have taken these pictures.

We peep our heads up to the open window, and I immediately smell weed.

I can see the side of Charlie's face. He's watching tv.

Molly is sitting in a chair with a lit blunt in her hand.

I'm about to crawl through this window and kick her ass for giving Charlie second hand smoking.

I will kick her ass after we get our pictures.

Grayson is quickly taking photos of Molly and Charlie. We have to show that she's doing this with him in the same room.

"Grayson" I whisper.

"I'm done" he looks at the pictures on the camera.

"Call our lawyer and the cops" I say while I take off my earrings.

"Wait, why do I need to cal-" Grayson stops mid-sentence when he sees me jump through the window.


"Knock knock bitch" I kick her chair.

"What are you doing here?!" She gets off of the floor.

"Oh honey, I came back to get my son" I punch her in the face.

I finally called him my son.

"You shouldn't have done that" Molly says while charging at me.

I dodge her and see Grayson with Charlie.

I push her, and she lands on the kitchen table. I guess she can't keep up with all the smoking she does, so she lays there heaving for air.

"You disgust me" I spat at her.

The door breaks down and cops flood the room.

"LAPD, everyone get down" they yell.


We all get put in an ambulance to the hospital. They insist that we all get checked for any injuries.

"I missed you" I hug and kiss Charlie who just got done getting checked for injuries.

They are running blood test and urine test on all of us.

"You came back for me" he cries.

"Of course we did buddy" Grayson joins in on our hug.

I love my boys.

"Mrs. and Mrs. Dolan, it's time for you guys to get checked" a doctor comes out of a room.

I still can't get use to being called that.

A cop stays with Charlie while Grayson and I get checked. The police made it an order for us to get check before we go home.


Grayson and I walk out from getting checked and having blood and urine test done. The doctor said he'll come back with all of our results.

As I'm walking out the door with Grayson, I see our lawyer Lane.

"I just got your pictures to the judge, and he says Charlie is all yours to take home" Lane shows us the paper.

"What about Molly?" I ask concern.

"Oh, she's going to be gone for a VERY VERY long time, so you guys don't have to worry about her" he says reassuringly.

"Thank you Lane" Grayson shakes his hand.

While Lane leaves, the doctor calls us to his office with our results to clear us to go home.

"I'll start with Charlie. His lungs are still very healthy and there are no traces of any kind of drugs in his system, so he's still very healthy" the doctor speaks.

"Grayson, you're very healthy as well. No injuries to your body" he skims through the papers.

"Josephine, you have minor cuts and bruises but nothing serious. You're healthy, as well as the baby" he closes his file.


Author's Note:
I'm literally a mom. I take care of my siblings, cook, clean. Ugh I just want to be able to have a life.

I also got hit on while going grocery shopping today.

This book is coming to an end VERY soon. I don't know how many more chapters I'll have but here's your warning my loves.

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But please keep reading!
I Love You❤

Until next time my loves 💋


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