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Josephine's POV

Ethan and Sierra are moving in next door today. We'll see how this will go. Of course we had to help them carry boxes and everything.

"You know I hate labor" I put down the last box in their living room.

"It's okay. You did great today" Grayson leans in for a hug.

"No, we're both sweaty and smelly" I hold up my hand.

"Then let's go for a shower" he smirks.

"You can go shower first, byeee" I wave.

I've been restraining myself from Grayson, sexualy.

"Do you guys need anything else" I call out towards Ethan and Sierra.

"No, I think we got it. Thank you, we'll see you and Gray later" Ethan shouts from another room.

"Alright, I'll see you both later" I begin walking home.


I can hear Grayson in the master bedroom shower, so I guess I'll go shower in the hallway bathroom.

I grab my clothes and towel from the room and walk to the other bathroom. I undress and run warm water.

Once it's the right temperature I climb in and stand underneath the pouring water. It feels calming and relaxing.

I'm in the middle of shampooing when I hear the door open and close. The shower curtain is pulled, and I quickly open my eyes.

"Dammit Grayson! You scard me!" I punch his arm.

"Sorry, but I wanted to join you" he gets in the bathtub.

I just ignore him and continue to rinse my hair. I feel his hands on me, and I open my eyes again.

"Grayson, no" I turn around so my back is facing him.

"What's the matter?" He wraps himself around me.

"Nothing" I apply conditioner.

We continue showering, and Grayson minded himself.


We're going out to dinner with Ethan and Sierra since it's their first night here. Grayson and I are getting ready, and I struggle to put on my pants because they won't button.

After an hour of finding something to fit me, we walk next door to get Ethan and Sierra.

"You guys ready to go" Grayson asks Ethan.

"Yeah man, let me go get Sierra" he hurriedly runs back in the house.

We decided to go to this small restaurant around the corner, so we just walked.


The restaurant is cute and cozy. It has beautiful flowers hanging everywhere with dim lighting.

We all ordered our food and drinks. Not that kind of drink, seeing as to what happened last time when I decided to have some alcohol.

"So when's your first day at Vogue Ethan" I ask him.

"Tomorrow, it'll be great to be a CEO" he smiles looking into thin air.

The waitresses arrives with our food and drinks.

"So, Ethan and I have some news" Sierra states cheery.

Me and her are getting along. I mean she's not that bad but at least she's trying with me.

"Really? What is it" Grayson and I say curious and sip on our water.

"We're pregnant!!!" Ethan and Sierra yell in unison.

Grayson chokes on his water while I spit it out.

"Congratulations" we manage to spit out.

"How far along are you" I look down at her stomach area.

"I'm only 13 weeks. We already told the rest of the family before we left" she states happily.

I guess this baby is the reason why she's nice now.

Now more pressure is on me and Grayson. Ohh how I love having pressure on me, but I'm not even going to marry this man. So I really don't have pressure on me.

"That's nice, we're happy for you guys" I say while looking at Grayson to agree with me.

"Yeah, nice" he says in a trance.

The rest of the dinner was quick. We ran back home because it was about to rain.


"Now our mothers are going to be even more crazy" he whisper shouts as we enter our home.

"Yup, let the pressure begin" I jog to the room and get ready for bed.


It's Ethan's big day as CEO of Vogue. Grayson and I arrive at work waiting for him to make his grand entrance.

Everyone knows that the new CEO is Grayson's twin brother and are shock that there's two of them.

Ethan walks through the front doors, and everyone's poking their heads out to get a glimpse of him.

"Oh my gosh, there really is two of them" I hear someone whisper.

I couldn't help but chuckle at their comment.

Everyone was hoping that Ethan was single but were all disappointed when they saw a ring on his finger.

"Good morning Grayson and Josephine" he says in a formal tone.

"Good morning Mr. Dolan" I nod.

It felt weird having him as one of our bosses. We continue our day at work, and I must say, having Ethan here is more relaxing. Our previous CEO was intense.


It's lunch time and Sierra came to bring us three lunch.

"So Josephine, how about we go to the spa tomorrow" Sierra actually has a genuine smile on her face.

"She'll love to go" Grayson answers for me.

I've never been to a spa before, so I guess it'll be nice.

Author's Note:
When's your last day of school?

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