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Josephine's POV

This boy.

His hands lower down to my butt, and he lightly squeezes it.

"I-I don't think this is a good idea" my voice becomes shakey.

"And whys that" he sucks harshly on my collarbone.

"Because this is all going to end soon" I try pulling away from him.

"Then let's have some fun before it has to end" he turns off the stove and lifts me off of my feet and into the bedroom.

"Ya ' know, every since I've seen you in those yoga pants this morning, I couldn't keep my eyes off of you" he takes off both of our clothes.

I was right. He wasn't small at all.

He lines the tip of his member at my entrance, looking at me for approval. I nod, and he starts thrusting into me.

"Fuck G-Gray" I throw my head back.

He picks up the pace, and I feel like I'm on cloud 9.

I flip us around,so I'm the one on top now. I start moving my body in a circular motion, riding him. He grips my waist to move me faster.

I place my hands on his shoulder and start to bounce on him.

"I'm close Gray" I speed up my pace and reach my high, but I keep going for Grayson to finish.

"Josephine I'm going t-to" I climb off of him before he releases inside of me.

"That was amzing" he breathes out.

I lay down, and Grayson cuddles with me.


I wake up sore remembering what happened lastnight.

I remember that I have to go dress shopping today with my mother and Lisa, so I go and get ready.

"Bye Gray, I'm going dress shopping with our insane mothers" I grab my purse.

He mumbles in his sleep, so I take that as a 'yes' that he heard me.

I open the front door and leave.


"So do you know what kind of dress you want" Lisa looks through a rack of dresses.

"Nope." I sit down on a chair.

"How about a princess dress!" My mom squeals.

"No" I stand up.

I start from one corner of the boutique and look through every single dress when I come across a laced mermaid gown.

"I think I like this one" I hold it up for them to see.

"Let's go try it on" they drag me to the dressing room.

I put on the lace mermaid gown and walk out. My mom and Lisa start to cry already.

"You look so beautiful" Lisa cries.

"My baby is getting married" my mom hugs me.

"So I guess this is the dress" I say nonchalant.

"Do you love it?" The worker asks me.

I shrugg my shoulders.

The worker leaves and returns with a veil and places it on my head.

I'm shock at what that final touch can do. I just stand there staring at myself.

I look like a bride.

I purchase my $6,000 dollar dress, and we go out for lunch.

Gosh, this marriage pact is burning a hole in my wallet.


Our insane mothers come back to say goodbye to Grayson before they go back home.

"Bye Gray, take care of Josephine" Lisa points a finger at him.

"Yes, take care of my baby" my mom gives me one more hug.

"Byeee" Grayson and I say at the same time.

They leave for the airport, and I can finally lay down.

I lay down on the couch with a blanket and watch The Vampire Daries.

"So how was dress shopping with them" Grayson lays down next to me.

"Exhausting, but I found a dress" I turn towards him.

"That's cool. How much did you spend" he asks.

"Yeah I can't believe I spent $6,000 on a dress that I'm not even going to wear" I say upset.

"You can sell it. I'm sure someone will want it" he reassures me.

I nod in agreement, and we continue to cuddle and watch The Vampire Daries.

Author's Note:
Let's just 🙏

I finished my other book, Stubborn, so if you want, you should check it out! It sucks but I tried 😂

Thank you for reading, ILY


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