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Josephine's POV

Grayson's literally making me stay in bed all day to make up for yesterday.

"You hungry" he gets out of the shower.

"Nopeee" I throw a shirt at him.

"Hey now" he laughs.

"Can you call Sierra to come over? You're kinda boring to hang out with" I say quietly.


"You did not just say that" he begins to fake cry.

"Hey, I'm sorry that you're so boring but can you please go get her or something" I beg.

"Only if you give me a kiss" he puckers up his lips.

"Eww, you're so ugly" I make a disgusted face at him.

"Come on now" he pouts and sits on the bed.

I sit up and laugh at his pouty face.

I smother him with a kiss so he can go get Sierra for me.


"So why am I here again?" Sierra enters the room.

"Cause Grayson's boring and I kinda like your company better" I chuckle.

"Hey, not nice. But since Sierra will be here with you, I'll go get some groceries" Grayson leaves.

"Soooo, how are you and the baby doing "  I rub her belly.

"She and I are doing well" Sierra lays down besides me.

"That's good. Have you ever thought about getting a mold of your pregnant belly before?" I turn to her.

"A what?" She makes a funny face.

"Never mind" I sing.

"You're weird. But anyways what's up with you and Grayson, anything new" she speaks.

"Not really. We're going on a date tomorrow, that's all" I say.

"Lucky you, Ethan doesn't take me out on dates that much every since he's a CEO now" she huffs.

"Awe, I'll make sure to change that" I reach for my phone.

I decide to send Ethan a text.

Ethan: Yo, you need to take Sierra out on a date tonight. She's lonely and pregnant with your child for goodness sake. Show her some love and attention. You only have so many months left with eachother before the baby arrives so get it together👌✌👋

I click send and show Sierra the text.

"Oh my gosh, you did not" she laughs.

Sierra's phone goes off; Ethan's calling her.

I couldn't hear what he was saying, but Sierra seems to be so happy.

"He's taking me out tonight! Thank you for this" she squeals.

"I'm glad I could help" I nudge her.

Sierra leaves to go get ready for her date with Ethan.


"Wake up, let's go on our date" Grayson sings.

"Gray, it's too damn early for this" I pull the covers over my head.

"Come on, rise and shine" he pulls the covers off me.

"Where are we going" I whine.

"It's a surprise duhh. Plus you need to wake up and join the early bird team" he chuckles.

"Ugh I'm going to kill you" I groan while getting up.


"Are we almost there yet" I complain.

"We're here" he cheers.

We arrive at a pottery class.

I've always wanted to make my own mug, so I guess this date wouldn't be so bad.

"I can't believe we woke up early for a pottery class" I glare at him.

"It's fun to wake up early and do things" he says in defense.

"Okay grandpa, let's go" I get out of the car.


"So you can make whatever you like, you just have make sure to pay at the end" the instructor says and leaves us alone.

That's it?

No instructions or anything?

I don't know how to do this.

"How do you start this thing" I ask Grayson.

"You press this with your feet and it spins. You then you mold the clay to whatever you want it to be" he demonstrates for me.

I follow his orders, and I can see my mug forming. I want to make it into a heart shape because I want it to be different.

I color it pink and red with my initials carved in on the handle. Once I finish I forgot all about Grayson, so I search the room for him.

He's sitting on a wooden chair admiring his piece of art.

"Watcha got there" I sit down next to him.

"It's suppose to be you, but it kinda looks like an octopus" he chuckles.

The purple color clay was beautiful. He tried carving my hair, but it ended up looking like legs. So I guess his master piece is an octopus and not me.

"It's still beautiful. No matter what it was suppose to be" I hold his art work in my hands.

I show him my mug I made, and he says that he's going to use it everyday even if it wasn't made for him.

He's so cute.

Author's Note:
Filler chapter because I've been sick the past few days. I'm sorry

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Until next time my loves 💋


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