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*5 years later*

Josephine's POV

The past 5 years has been the best years of my life. Angel is starting kindergarten soon, and Charlie is now in middle school.

Angel has gown to be a curious little girl that looks exactly like Grayson. She won't stop asking questions everyday, and I'm compel to answer every single one.

I love her curious mind. It shows that she's becoming more aware of the world and her surroundings.

Charlie is going through puberty now. I shiver at the thought of him growing up to be a man. He's growing taller and developing more everyday. Going into middle school means he's come to another rite of passage. A huge milestone in life. He also is playing sports now, baseball to be exact.

Charlie helps me take care of Angel when I need help, and he's very protective of her. He loves to play with her at the park and pushes her on the swings.

As of Grayson, he started his own photography company. He owns a little building and has his own workplace.

Grayson is an amazing father. He plays catch with Charlie and attends his games and practices. Grayson even made a poster for Charlie that Grayson brings to every game to cheer him on.

He plays dolls with Angel and dress up. He even allows her to put make up on him. Grayson adores our daughter to death.

As for me, I still work at Vogue where Ethan is the CEO of. I love it there, but it gets lonely without Grayson there sometimes. Being a mother of two is exhausting, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Ethan and Sierra had another little girl named Lilly. She's a year younger than Angel. Josephine started first grade, and it brings me back to the days when Charlie was in first grade and I was about to have Angel.

Sierra is a stay home mom. She even watched Angel for us when we went to work for the first 4 years of Angels life. I love Sierra; she's the sister I never had.

I thank Grayson everyday for allowing me to be apart of his American Dream.

If it wasn't for my very handsome husband, I wouldn't have this life I'm living right now.

Author's Note:
Thank you for reading my book loves.
I will be out with another Grayson book soon, but I don't know when yet.

School has been more hectic then I thought it would be, and it's only the first week!

I love you all😙

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