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Josephine's POV

The smell of bacon causes me to wake up. I walk into the kitchen and sure enough, Grayson's cooking.

"Good morning Gray" I take a piece of bacon.

"Hey, I made you a plate" he hands me a plate full of food.


"Ugh I'm so full. I can't breathe" I lay down on the couch.

"I'm glad you're full, now what do you want to do today?" Grayson plops down besides me.

"Nothing, I'm too full" I rub my belly.

"Come on. Don't be boring" he whines.

"You did not just call me boring" I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Awe, is someone's feelings hurt" he talks like a baby.

"I hate you, ya' know that" I sit up.

"Nahh, you love me" he says cheesin.

"No I don't. Anyways, what do you want to do today then" I ask him.

"Let's go to the aquarium!" He smiles like a little kid.

"Really? The aquarium? That's what you want to go do" I say surprised.

"Or I could do you" he smirks.

"The aquarium it is" I stand up to go get ready.


"Two tickets please" I hand the cashier money only to have my hand snatched away.

"What do you think you're doing" Grayson pays for the tickets.

"I was going to pay for the tickets?" I say it like it was a question.

Before Grayson could say anything, we were interrupted by the worker.

"Here are your tickets, you guys make a cute couple" the worker compliments us.

"Actually we aren-" I was cut off by Grayson.

"Thank you" he snatches the tickets.

*face palms* I forgot that we're 'engaged'.

"Really Josephine" he slightly laughs.

"I don't know. I'm just not use to it" I shrug my shoulders.


This whole aquarium thing is so boring. I just want to see the sea turtles already.

"Can we go see the sea turtles" I tug on Grayson's arm.

"Fineee" he looks at the map.

I was running towards the big glass of sea turtles. I don't know why I like them. They just seem so beautiful.

I was taking photos of the sea turtles with my camera when I feel someone tug on my sleeves.

"Stop Gray, I'm trying to take a photo of the sea turtles" I shove his arm away.

"Mommy" a little voice calls.

I look down and realize it wasn't Grayson tugging on my sleeves. It is this beautiful little boy.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not your mommy. How old are you?" I kneel down.

"I'm 5, where's my mommy" the little boy worries.

"What's your name?" I ask him.

"Charlie" he holds his little sea turtle stuff animal.

"Well Charlie, I'm Josephine and that is Grayson" I point to Grayson who is walking towards us.

"Who's this little guy" Grayson smiles at the sweet child.

"His name is Charlie, and he's lost" I inform Grayson.

"Where was the last time you saw your mommy and daddy" Grayson asks him.

Charlie just shruggs his shoulders and starts crying.

"Hey, don't cry buddy. We'll find your mommy and daddy for you okay?" I hug Charlie.


Grayson and I have been running around this aquarium for what seems like hours, and we still haven't found the parents of Charlie.

We finally decide to go the manager of the aquarium and report that we found a missing child.


Turns out, Charlie's parents have already left home to Las Vegas, Nevada. They won't be able to pick him up until tomorrow evening.

Like how can you forget about your own child for a whole day?

"So what's going to happen to Charlie" I ask the police.

"Well, he's going to a foster home for the night until his parents arrive" the officer takes Charlies hand and starts walking away.

"No I don't want to go. Can I stay with her" Charlie screams and points to me.

"You want to stay the night at my house?" I ask him.

He nods his head, and I look up at the officer.

"I'll have to ask his parents" the officer says and dials Charlie's parents.

"He can stay with you, here's his parents phone number" the officer hands me a piece of paper.


"So, since it's dinner time. Where do you want to go out to eat at little man" Grayson holds Charlie's hand.

"How about..... McDonald's!?" Charlie jumps up and down.

"McDonald's it is" I lead the way.


"Two number one's and a happy meal" Grayson orders.

"Here's your food" the young worker smiles and hands us our food.

Charlie wanted to play in the playhouse, so we ate inside of there. Grayson plays with him. They are both going down the slides, and Grayson is chasing Charlie.

They both looked so cute. Grayson looks like he would be a great father.


We set up a bed for Charlie in Grayson's office next door to us.

"Goodnight, we'll be next door if you need anything okay buddy" Grayson tucks him in bed.

"Okay, goodnight Grayson and Josephine" he yawns.

"Goodnight Charlie" I kiss his head.

Grayson and I get ready for bed and soon fall asleep.

Author's Note:
My allergies are killing me. My eyes are so itchy!

Thank you for reading, ILY 😙


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