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Josephine's POV

Grayson let me pick our destination for our honeymoon, so I decided on Bora Bora.

Ethan and Sierra offered to watch Charlie while we're gone for the week.

"Goodbye Charlie, be a good boy and help watch Josephine" I kiss him goodbye.

"I will" he smiles.

"Bye buddy. Thanks for watching him for us bro" Grayson pats Ethan's back.

Grayson and I get out of the car and walk to our gate.


I feel someone lightly shake me. I open my eyes and see Grayson smiling.

"We landed" he whispers softly.

I get up and stretch my arms. I take a peek out the window and see the beautiful color water.

I squeal inside because I've always wanted to go to Bora Bora.

We get our carry on and gather our luggage.

"Hello, welcome to Bora Bora" an employee gives us a flower sash and a drink.

We get into our car we rented and drive to the overwater bungalows.


"Gray, it's beautiful" I get out of the car and admire our overwater bungalow.

"Not as beautiful as my wife" he whispers in my ear.

I couldn't help but blush. Hearing the word wife come out of his mouth satisfied me.

"Ohh hush it. Hurry up, I want to go into the beautiful water" I grab some of our things and walk to our bungalow.

Grayson trails behind me with all of our heavy luggage.



"Ugh, I hate you!" Grayson throws me into the water.


He dives in after me.

"Yeah right, you LOVEEE me" he swims up next to me.

"You know I was going to go in the water using the latter; Why'd you throw me in for" I pout.

"Because that's not fun" he says in a duhh tone.

This boy, I swear.

We swim around when I feel something tickle my feet. I look down and immediately scream.

"There's fish in here!" I start to panic.

I start swimming to the latter when I hear Grayson laughing at me.

"Josephine, baby, chill. It's just a plastic grocery bag" he continues to laugh.

I just almost shit myself.

I just flick him off and go to our room.

Now I'm scared to go in the water because I don't want slimy creatures on me. I mean, it was just a plastic bag, but shit, the oceans big as hell and has a lot of mysterious stuff in it.

I grab a towel to dry myself and hear Grayson come in.

"You're so funny babe" he pinches my cheeks.

I swat his hand away and glare at him.

"Awee, come on. Don't be like that" he comes closer to me.

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