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Josephine's POV

Today, both of our families are going to spend the whole day at the boardwalk getting to know eachother. It feels weird having to lie about being engaged to eachother just so we can stop their nagging about us finding love.

I put on a maxi dress with sandals and grab my camera to take photos. We all get in our own cars and before we leave, Grayson packs us [Josephine and Grayson] green grapes to eat in the car.

Grayson is driving while I am sitting on the passenger side.

"Hey, can you feed me grapes while I drive" he glances at me.

"You can't multitask" I reach for the grapes in the back seat.

I feed him one grape at a time while I feed myself too. I was being extremely cautious whenever I have to place a grape in his mouth because I don't want him to lick or bite my finger on accident.

After I feed him the last grape, I couldn't help but notice that Grayson looked pretty hot from this angle. So I decided that I'll sneaked in a few pictures of him before he could see me, but it was too late. I've been caught red handed!

"Hey! I see you taking pictures of me" he holds up his hand to block his face.

"Awe come on, you look hot" I say instantly without thinking.

I soon realized what I just said and immediately froze.

Oh my gosh I can't believe I just said that.

"Sorry" I put the lens back on my camera.

He just chuckles to himself.

The rest of the car ride was silent. I can't  help but feel embarrassed and awkward after what I said.


We all arrive at the boardwalk and wait at the front entrance for everyone. Soon enough Ethan and Sierra, my parents, Grayson's parents show up.

Greetings and names are being exchange. My mom and Lisa are hitting it off talking about our 'wedding' and how excited they are. I can't  help but mentally laugh because that's not going to happen.

Everybody buys their tickets, and we decide we'll ride the twister first.

My hair is flying everywhere, and I can't see anything. When I got off the ride, I felt dizzy and start to stumble on my own two feet.

I trip and close my eyes getting ready to embrace the fall and humiliation that's about to occur.

Two arms are wrapped around me, and I open my eyes to see Grayson's face inches away from mine.

I stare at him in shock as to what's happening. He caught me.

"Thank you" I break the staring and pull away.


We continue riding more rides when Ethan decides it's time to play some games. He wants to play the game were you have to climb the ladder in order to win a prize.

Ethan pays the man and starts to slowly climb up the ladder, only to fall on his face. Grayson laughs at him and Sierra, being the instigator she is, opens her big mouth.

"Like you can do better" she snorts.

Grayson throws money on the table and starts to climb the ladder. He is halfway there when the ladder flips, and he falls on his back.

He gives the man more money as Ethan does the same. They are trying again and at the same time. Their parents are just shaking their heads at how embarrassed they are because their 23-year-old kids are having a 'fight'.

They start at the same time and both of their ladders start to wobble as they are trying to gain control. Ethan is ahead of Grayson but falls before reaching the top.

Grayson makes it to the top and rings the bell. He jumps down and walks towards Ethan and Sierra.

"Looks like I did better" he turns around to collect his prize.

"Here, I won this for you" he hands me the giant 🐼 bear that was twice my size.

"You're going to make me carry this? I can't even see over it" I laugh as I grip onto the 🐼 bear.


It's 6 now, so we walk to Philly's Pizza Place for dinner. My 🐼 bear has his own seat next to me, and I get a few stares from people.

We are waiting for our food, so everyone is chatting away. The mom's are talking about wedding ideas again, the dads are talking about sports, and Ethan and Sierra are talking about how much money they have. So it is just me and Grayson sitting there not talking to anyone.

Just as I am about to say something to Grayson,  my phone rings. It's from work. I excuse myself and answer the call outside the restaurant.

My boss Jim is calling me, and he knows I'm on a three day vacation leave.


"Hey Josephine, I have some great news for you!"


"Yes, you got picked to travel to Milan, Italy to take pictures for us. You will stay there for 9 months until the new year begins in January. All you have to do is take pictures of the clothing items being made for the next spring collection"

"Wow, that's amazing! When do I start?"

"When you get back. All travel and living cost will be on us. You will also get paid double"

"Thank you so much!"

I hang up the phone with a smile. I've always wanted to go to Milan Italy.

I get to stay there for free and get paid double!? I have to tell everyone!

I sprint back to the table and share the good news. Everyone is happy for me, but Grayson seems a little off.

"You still have to plan your wedding though even if you're on the other side of the world ya know " my mom waves her hand in my face, and Lisa agrees with her

"Uhh huh" I just agree with them so they'll leave me alone. I'm obviously not going to plan a wedding because it's not going to happen.


Grayson's POV

When she told us about her "good news" I can't  help but feel sad. I don't want her to leave for so long but maybe it's a good thing.

It'll save me from falling for her.

Author's Note:
I'm so tired, I literally thought it was 2019 today 😂


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